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RE: The day I stopped giving choices.

in #creative6 years ago

I like the second one more

I used to use CorelDRAW but mostly for the fun part. Nothing too serious

And yes, specifications can make you go mad. You make an awesome design and then realise you missed something. So you try to fix it and then mess up the whole design. You wanna try again but you've lost the drive. So you settle for something shitty at the end...

That didn't happen everytime though....


Not always, not really but I find it hard to look back at designs and not find something shitty about them which in turn helps a person want to do better or just avoid silly mistakes. Some of the best work also happens when you have no time left haha after procrastinating far too long, other times something that was supposedly a quick job turns into a nightmare.

A nice little roller coaster, wheeeeee.

One's man's shitty is another man's awesome

Say, what's with the likejesusbutbetter tag?

Oh in design there is a bit of a standard I would hope where something can be shitty for everyone.

It is just my own tag I use. You like? Haha.

Posted using Partiko Android

I like it

Seriously do