Hey hey, you - you are creative and never lack ideas!
As a creative person you will not have limit, anything can happen in your imagination. Arakan clouds in the sky that other people usually wrote, could have looked like sheep, bears, boats or other interesting things that you just know.
You do not know at all when awesome ideas are flowing from within you. It could be when you wake up, when you buy gasoline, see the bird flying, until when you take a bath can be a moment where the brilliant ideas flowing from your creative soul.
It's because of your unique style and sometimes magic, so you often called childhood. But there's no harm in it, little kids are really creative!
and look at the picture below full of junk
With your unlimited imagination, you always find a gap in every difficulty you face. When everyone says it's a problem, it could be a blessing for you because you can sleep longer, be content to look at a star or land of fortune for a generator rental!
If you think this is unlikely to happen, then ask yourself whether you feel the pounding when doing something and will you miss afterwards?
and this is the art I have. and I'll make sure if I do it later, I do not just have a little toy but I'll make toys as big as the ocean
My live stream is at DLive
Keren bang .
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Terimakasih kembali karena sudah mampir @faldi
ya, tidak bisa dipungkiri, terkadang kita bahkan seringkali tertipu oleh mata sendiri.
Benar sekali bg @mahlizarsafdi semuanya membuat kita lupa pada jalan yang akan kita tuju