I believe you do your hobby for many years, so many figures and pieces to get together especially so that you can build up a scene is not easy, looking at your composition that made me think about cartoons in the past when they did like you put the characters in their position, made a shot and move again and another shot, later when everything was put together it was played as a cartoon. Because I was born in 70's that was the cartoons I was growing with and I really love them till now, it is like melancholy unfortunately we moved away from that and may be for modern children it will be too simple and not interesting.
I am really impressed how you build up every scene and thought about every detail in it with passion and love to your hobby. My great appreciation and I hope you have enough space at home to keep all of them :)
Glad you liked it. I have started this project 2 years ago but building models and sceneries for many years now (started with old Warhammer fantasy) During the time many pieces came together. And yeah... Space is becoming an issue :)