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RE: The spectacular creativity of Esteban - but is he dyslexic?

in #creativecoin5 years ago

Thanks for sharing your story. Even the word dyslexia kinda annoys me now. For people like us to survive in a strict school system is very difficult and rarely beneficial to the way we perceive ourselves.

Seems like you have been able to take that important step back from it all and see the bigger picture. Many of us never achieve this and live our whole lives without ever reaching our full creative potential.

My memory is rubbish too. And like Esteban, I have a low attention span. Things really need to interest me if I am to focus on them!

Please send me a link to your post when it is done. I would like to read it but am terrible at following my feed here.


Sounds like you doing the right thing, wish i'd had that option. I will be sure too 💯🐒