This mural was finally finished, it took me much longer to finish it because the customer occupied the place as a games room, so the place was rarely available to continue the work. I thought I was never going to finish it but in the end it happened.
The mural has as title Redemption, this means the demons were freed from their suffering by a superior God to put it in some way, now they will be purifying themselves for a while and in the meantime they are looking at the sky for their total release.
Unfortunately in the last part of the mural I couldn't record in video the creation process because I'd already sold my old camera by that time, the important is that there are photos of the process.

To do these works I use low pressure spray and valves with different openings special for this.
Part 1:
Part 2:
I made the first videos with a Sony hdr-cx405 Handycam camera, and in the end I got another camera (Gopro hero black 7) but that was when the mural was already finished.
Thanks for reading me 🙏: