It's been a few months since my last entry into one of the @phctop3 Monthly Contests, but when I saw the topic was comfort foods, I knew I'd have to give it a go! Especially since we're heading into comfort food season (aka winter) here in New England.
After I had a hard time narrowing down my choices, I decided to go with the homemade variety, instead of things like pizza, Chinese food, and ice cream (which of course, now I'm craving). I happened to have a picture of one from a few years ago, and since we've had the other two for dinner in the past week, I grabbed a couple quick shot of the leftovers. I'm thinking I might do separate blog posts on each (with recipes, of course) at some point in the future, especially since I'm now realizing I need to work on my food photography skills. 😜
So here are three things that are in heavy rotation in the York household for meal times...
Nomination 1 - American Chop Suey

A photo I took after I made Chop Suey for dinner, February 2016
When I say to the family, "Would you like chop suey for supper?" no one thinks I'm referring to Chinese food. This is one of those quick, easy, and filling meals that we have on a fairly frequent basis, and I believe it's one of the first ones the eldest learned how to make. But where did the name come from? Here's an explanation from the article American Chop Suey Casserole by Aimee Seavey -
So what’s with the chop suey in American Chop Suey? According to The Encyclopedia of American Food and Drink, “chop suey” is a culinary phrase with Chinese origins, and dates back (in print, at least) to the late 1800’s. It’s thought to be a transcription of “tsa tsui,” which is Mandarin for “a little of this and that.” In time, “chop suey” became a dish containing a loose assortment of bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, celery, soy sauce, and either pork or chicken, which went on to become one of those Chinese-American dishes popular in Chinese restaurants stateside, but likely unfamiliar to a native Chinese diner. Later, another dish of muddled, cobbled ingredients and origins (this time Italian-American) would also carry the “chop suey” name.

Nomination 2 - Macaroni and Cheese
M&C leftovers from last night
This is another quick and easy meal that we typically pair with kielbasa cooked in Sweet Baby Ray's Honey Barbecue Sauce. It's such a favorite that our boy has requested it as his birthday dinner a few times over the years. Even though it's a simple recipe, there's room to change things up with different cheeses - for a time I did a combo of Vermont Sharp and Seriously Sharp Cheddar Cheeses. Lately we've done just straight up Cheddar. It's an old classic that never gets old!

Nomination 3 - Chicken curry
Chilly chicken curry from Tuesday night
I've had the recipe for this since I was a teen, scribbled on an index card after my mother showed me how to make it. I'm fairly certain, given that the base is Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup, that it came from some 70s magazine like Good Housekeeping or Woman's Day. Years ago I went easy on the amount of curry powder, but these days I use at least six or seven tablespoons (with a dash of cumin for extra zip) to give it some gusto. Pretty much every time I make it, I think about how I should try making the mushroom soup from scratch (and I have an awesome recipe for it), but it seems time is always short so I end up grabbing the can. One of these days though!

Many thanks to the gals and guys of the Top 3 team for putting together yet another wicked awesomesauce contest! Best of luck to everyone entering, and I'll see you at the dpoll!

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I bet those plates are so finger licking good that ide end up licking the plates too and begging for more!
That's food that make the belly sing!
LOL! Well, now that you mention it, the curry does tend to make our bellies sing... 😉 😂
And thanks, @foxyspirit - it's amazing how yummy and comforting simple foods can be. 😊
I love food....
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for you. Enjoy it! Hey @traciyork, here is a little bit ofMuch appreciate the beer, @beerlover - cheers! 🍻
Yay! So happy you made it! Boy is everyone throwing it down this month! It's freezing here this morning, so hearty and warm is right in my frame of mind. I actually had no idea about the Chop Suey, so I learned something new there. My BF usually just calls his meals like that "slop". 😂😂 Usually comes out delicious, haha! Mac and cheese was probably one of the first things I ever learned to make, though at the time it was most likely out of a box (yikes 😜)! Now at least I've got some solid vegan alternatives since that combination always hits the spot. 6 tablespoons of curry powder?! I knew you were a bad@$$ gal, but now I'm even more impressed. Awesome entry and good luck in the poll!
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Thanks, @plantstoplanks - I've been bummed out that I've missed the past few, so I really made it a priority this month! And yeah, I've seen some of the other entries and each one seems tastier than the last! I hear you on the M&C - it's a toss up whether that was also the first thing I learned to make (also boxed...lol) or tuna casserole (the recipe for which was essentially opening four cans and boiling noodles... 😂 ). Oh, and hubby has said before that's he's known I was making chicken curry for dinner because he could smell it coming up the driveway on the way home from work... not sure that he means it in a good way... 😜 😂
Thanks again, and can't wait to see all the yumminess coming up on the dpoll!
Some great choices! I've not heard the term 'American Chop Suey' before, but I can say that I've certainly muddled together various pieces and globs of this and that before to make a meal. Macaroni with random things thrown in is almost always a winner! Certainly reminds me of my college days with Mac'n'cheese was a primary staple.
Thanks, Victor! Yep, that's one of the things I like about these kinds of "recipes" is the room for improvisation (aka - yikes, I ran out of that, let's try this instead... 😂 ). I used to switch between Kraft M&C and Rice-A-Roni rice pilaf for my college staples - it was nice to have a little variety. 😊
Yes! I think college students sell their culinary prowess short. We could always find new and novel ways to prepare mac-n-cheese back in the day!
Exactly right! 😊
Wow, great choices, @traciyork! They all look yummy. Good luck in the contest, hon!!
Thank you so much, @jayna! Much appreciate the kind words and the good luck wishes! 😊
OH YUMMY!! I like that you call it American Chop Suey. The whole this and that thing. I think of most of my cooking that way.
Awesome choices @traciyork. Even the Sweet Baby Ray's on the keilbasa, thats a regular.
I used to be such a "exactly what the recipe calls for" kind of cook, @tryskele but time (and necessity) have made me more creative in the kitchen. Hubby was actually the first one to show me how to improvise with what we had at hand. I actually prefer pan fried linquica to go with the M&C, but the rest of the family prefers the Baby Ray's kielbasa (which, given how delish it is, is fine with me!). And thanks so much! 😊
All real comfort foods here in our home as well @traciyork;) You had me a tad puzzled with the American Chop Suey, never heard of that before although here at home we call it Noodle Bolognese; interesting hearing about the origin of Chinese Chop Suey! I also realized I don't make Mac & Cheese often enough when hubby ordered a double portion off the kiddies menu at our local steakhouse one cold winter's night ;) I'm interested in your Mom's Chicken curry made with canned Mushroom soup; nothing wrong with using a can or a packet of soup to add a little zest to a quick meal;)
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Some things are universal, eh @lizelle? 😊 I've heard of Noodle Bolognese before, but I believe it's a bit different from the American Chop Suey - the one in the picture above (because I've made a few variations) has ground turkey, green pepper, onion, spaghetti sauce, elbows, and seasonings. And too funny about your hubby!
The basic curry recipe is chicken, curry powder, family sized can of cream of mushroom soup, one container of sour cream, and a can of peas. I cook the chicken in a tablespoon or two of the curry powder, and when it's cooked through add the soup, sour cream, peas, and four or five tablespoons of curry powder (sometimes with a 1/4 teaspoon of cumin) then heat it through in the oven. I serve it over jasmine rice, and we've sometimes made sandwiches from the leftovers. And I agree - while "from scratch" is awesome, some times convenience works best.
Thanks for these awesome suggestions for our contest this month! We've given you an upvote and logged your nominations, ready for the dpoll - keep an eye on our blog for the dpoll post!
but you can add as much as you like to it! The more you add, the more you can win.There is no maximum entry fee.Set your post payout to 50/50. You keep the SP and then transfer the STEEM and/or SBD (whichever is paid out at the time) to @phctop3 with a link to your blog post entry in the transfer memo. This is the minimum entry fee,
Not sure how to find your post payout? Look in your Steem Wallet under Author Rewards to find the exact payout for your post. In the example below you would send the 0.014 SBD and 6.587 STEEM over to the @phctop3 account as your entry fee. We’ll take it from there and convert all of the prize pool to SBD for easy prize distribution at the end of the month!
We are also currently transitioning to a new account @yourtop3 for some exciting changes ahead! Make sure to give us a follow and adjust your delegation as needed to make sure not to miss out on the latest announcements!
Never a dull moment when we get a Traci-sighting in the competition. Glad you were able to make the time to join this round. Too much comfort not to jump in. Good luck in the dpoll!
Thanks so much, @phctop3! I swear I've gained five pounds just from reading the other entries... 😂
Hey @traciyork
You have chosen one of my favourite things ever in chicken curry. It used to be the hotter the better but I've toned it down these days. Give me a good Madras any day.
Mac n cheese is definitely a north American thing. Having said that I do like it. The chop suey sounds great.
Good luck with the contest.
Too funny, @cheese4ead - I've gone a bit in the opposite direction. I used to make a very bland curry, but it's been getting spicier over the years. I blame my hubby. 😂
And thanks so much! 😊
Macaroni cheese: always a winner. I also have a few chicken recipes that use soup. In one case it is a packet of dehydrated brown onion soup. Haven't made it for ages. Oh, and it has mayonnaise, chutney and yes, you guessed it, curry powder.... lol
Too funny, @fionasfavourites! Seems like a number of awesome recipes call for some curry. 😊 I also have a few other recipes that use cream of mushroom as a base - tater tot casserole, tuna casserole... okay, maybe a couple not a few. 😂
Oh, I had forgotten about the tuna casserole - topped with chips if I remember correctly. Since I ate tinned tuna for 6 months when I started work and had no fridge, I don't do much with it any more. It was a favourite from student days... :D
Oh, and as you gathered from my post, canned tomato soup was a must-have in my pantry in those days, too. And cream of mushroom. Now, it's just the bloody cuppa soup! Hahahaha!
Yep, you remember correctly, but I prefer Italian breadcrumbs myself. Ahh... I can see why it might have turned you from it. And you've reminded me of something - a while back I roughed out a post talking about the "must haves" in my cabinets/pantry. I'm going to have to see if I can find & finish it some day soon!
Hahaha! Perhaps that's a topic (or not) for the @yourtop3 team...
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!giphy good+idea
giphy is supported by witness untersatz!
Awesome! Thanks for sending over your entry fee, just letting you know that I've added you in with your nominations now!
Good luck and keep your eyes peeled for the upcoming dpoll between 16th - 18th where we put it to the public vote and let the Steem community decide their top 3 :)