Dancing pixelart slothicorn...


I am trying not to yell this time. I am trying to be very quiet...

I thought it would be nice a gif of a slothicorn dancing with conffeti confetti connfettu cinfiite jdjghuqeie whatever! Yeahp that.

If you want to slothicelebrete... You can use this gif n.n



Of course...

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


awww. the dance of slothicorn. xo

yeees! let's dancee!

Nice one!!

wooo! thanks!:D

This picture gives me a theme of a successful person despite the hurdles... Well crafted

I didn't understand :(

Well.. I took the pixels to represent hurdles and the individual dancing despite it.. Just from my point of view though.. It's beautiful

Oh I get it! Thanks for explaining :)

Lol, gangnam style


jajjaaa .. wop wop wop woop ...
ole y arsa que toma que toma el arte que tienes!!!!

jajajajaja tas loco XD

Yess , i am !!!

nice! xd fabi, i like it!

woo! this is far away from your cute pixelart, you are the master!:D

Fab! What happened to you && Utopian? Of course I like your pixelart as well, but ... did you discontinue your Utopian activities???

Hey scip! Thanks for stoping by! Well I will tell you the truth.. My baby is way more demanding lately o.o and with a bit of other issues I just haven't had time for a proper utopian contribution or moderation x.x I can just post what I can do or write with my mobile apps. It is a bit stressing because I am so behind :(

Hmmmz.... babies first! Well, glad to see you are at least still active, and your art is cool as well!

I am excited to contribute again! I hope to find time soon n.n

Dibuja un burricornio.

un gamacornio!

Hi! Nice artwork! Girl Powerrrrrrrrrrr! XD!

Thanks xD

I found you on my friend @scipio's account page! He "ReSteemed" your pixelart gift to him!

Ooh! I had fun doing that! n.n a friend of scip is a friend of mine n.n following you now ;)