An entry for Crypto Art & Design Challenge [Round 9: IOTA]

in #creativecrypto7 years ago

This is my entry for Crypto Art & Design Challenge [Round 9: IOTA] held by @sndbox.

I feel a vibrant yet a contemplative tone on his works that I admired.
Off course this time I still do some improvisation on that, namely the lineart that is darker than Zhou Fan's.
But I keep that typical Zhou's lumps as an eye-catcher in this piece.I still curious about delving into Zhou Fan's visual-style, just like my previous entry on @sndbox's contest. You can dig about Zhou Fan here :

In case you haven't seen my previous entry on Stellar:

Here's the link to the contest if you want to join:

Wish me luck!


Apik temen kue

Apik temen kue

Yo jelas hahahaahaaa....

Wis langsung bisa bobok bar posting ya van

Aja lali cuci tangan cuci kaki terus tarik selimut ya

Gocok gege dulu

Yg penting jngn lupa makan sebelum tidur :v

Masih belajar buat bsk

Ujian sampe kapan van

Wonge jih turu @teafp

Sing Penting tugase ws rampung wuahahahaha

Tugase sepele maning yak