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RE: Pickleman Family Garden - Plenty of Rain

Great photos - especially the cute furry vandal burrowing without fear of the dog!
That orange lily. Oh dear. You have reminded me of one of my Top Ten Garden Disasters.
It's in a post (maybe in 2016?) - how this lovely little orange "ditch lily" became a monoculture.
Dig Dig Dig
Mountains of it...
Beware! You might find, one summer, that this day lily has conquered the universe of your own once-diverse and beautiful back yard.


They seem to have contained themselves so far and I am happy for both the green ground cover and beautiful blooms. It is the raspberries I have to be careful of taking over, and the mint.

Ohhh those black raspberries. Yes, they will conquer the universe, too.
And the mint!
But the mint is so much easier to cut back (and smells wonderful).
The tiger lily, though, holds on for dear life, with those tenacious roots.
Almost un-killable.
If it would just be a bit less invasive...!
Can't we all just get along?