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RE: rest well my garden

in #creativegardenlast year

Beautiful and thought-provoking! I laid eyes on your first haiku and the third line jumped out at me "rest well my garden". It's deep and there are many ways to interpret this. I feel a nudge to write something on it. Hehe.

All the same, I love the way you capture the serenity of nature and simple things in life that we often overlook. Nicely done. !LUV 😊


Please do go ahead and write something about it. I’d love to read what you have to say.

I thought of a couple final lines for that poem, but I chose that one because it felt very affectionate to me, like it showed recognition of the special relationship between a gardener or farmer and the land and what it yields.

I agree it's an affectionate line to describe your relationship with your garden. 😊

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