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RE: My Beautiful Disasters as an A^^hole Gardener

in #creativegarden2 years ago

Omg this is hilarious. What an a-hole! I mean, squishing bugs with your thumbs - unbelievable! I take it back! Your rebuttal was absolutely brilliant. I kinda meant a-holes to other people as well - the fact you STILL love a garden means you're a good soul in my book.

Loved your man poem - especially that last line!

I think we probably walk a fine line between being an a-hole in the garden and being compassionate too. Good on you for ditching the round up.

And thanks for making me laugh.


Aww, thank you for taking it all in stride, this brash and reckless rant I offered up (after the deadline, exceeding the word count) in response to your challenge. I do mean well. Really, I do! But:

"No good deed goes unpunished"

and I find myself resorting to awful antics in response to the challenges of life.
Like, the cantaloupe seeds in my compost sprouted.
I have this great big vine with one golf-ball sized cantaloupe growing.
Dare I celebrate?
Of course not.
Leaves turn yellow, little shiny brown insect eggs lurk on the backsides of the leaves...
Let the bugs have my melons. If they don't, the possums will.
Fences, chemicals, what deters the pillaging invaders, anyway?
I've yet to see a squirrel-proof bird feeder.
I now deposit a spoonful of sunflower seeds outside the ground-squirrel burrow each day.
Because if I don't, he stands on the deck, looking in at me, scolding me.
How can I resist....?
The impudence!
The unbearable cuteness
Sorry, there we have another rant, rather than a simple #THANKYOU for reading and being so nice!