He - a Tale of the Genesis of All

Bible in Space


The vessel slowed and eventually stopped, pulled into the cosmic orbit. He had no name. He simply was. He looked out through the crystalline expanse of black, dotted by multitudes of stars across the void. The blinking light pulled him from his reverential philosophizing, pulsing the double-beat that bore with it the proximity alarm. This was the place.

"Systems On," he spoke. The hollow tone of his voice barely stretched outward, the lack of atmosphere allowing very little for the sound waves to flow over. He didn't need to speak, though, as the vessel was attuned to his thoughts.

The entire spectral ship began to light up. The translucent outer frame lifted outward and spun. After a long while, the outer frame hummed with the movement and the Vessel's Systems waited for the proper tone. Still, long moments of silence but for the humming and slowly-altering tone. The hum rose octave by octave until it was a keening wail of musical pain. When he heard the crackling and popping sounds, it was time for the next phase. The inner shell then lifted outward, leaving him in the vaccuum of the innermost cocoon, a bubble of self-sustaining gravity surrounding his cradled form.

The inner shell spun counter to the outer shell. The pair of shells were playing a careful dance against each other, the friction of their super-gravitation raising the ethereal temperature of the emptiness in space itself. The pair of shells' tones drew closer and closer to each other in octave. All the while there emitted a faint-but-increasingly-harsh glow of crimson just inside the visible spectrum of light.

'Genesis On,' he thought.

Sparkling light tumbled across the coccoon. The keening sound grew and grew. He watched slowly as the nearest motes of dust flung themselves into the outer shell. Then he watched as more debri began moving. In the distance, across light-years he could see the tremble of stars and galactic entities. With a shudder he saw the shapes distort, elongate, and snap out of their positions to drift towards the outer shell. By now the outer shell was nearly covered from all sides and angles. He could only watch through his telepathic link to the vast expanse, seeing fragments of planets and fires from stars shoot towards him. The entire scene collapsed inward and he breathed a tentative sigh.

A whoosh and a popping sound fractured the universe as the Gateway opened around the shell and the collected matter and energy. The new Universe was a blank slate for a fraction of a moment, until the power of the machinery yanked all that matter and energy across the Event Horizon. In that instant, the force was so great that it threatened to collapse itself, but the power of His will was great and He held off the forces. With a breath he reversed the pulse energy and the Gateway and the breach between the joined Universes vanished.

He tethered himself to this new Universe and breathed again. The matter dispersed outward with such great force that this new Universe rocked in its infant cradle, birthing the whole of the cosmos. Dust, fragments, energy, and light exploded in that instant of time. Ripples of energy could be seen. He watched the bouncing and colliding masses as the cosmic fragments were torn apart and spun back together again, pulling in even more matter.

He waited as the movements slowed and seemed to reach a level of equilibrium. There, before him, was a small, spinning mass. He breathed and there formed its atmosphere around the newborn planet. He watched the galaxies spin slowly together, a slow-infinite dance of science. He was always in awe of the movements and actions, as He had been taught early in his own mentorship.

His tethered mind smiled inward, content. He watched as the formless debris of the planet coalesced and grew molten. He cradled it and protected it. He grew an affinity for this one as He watched it. He was collectively everywhere across the new Universe and watched millions of other planets like this one. He was inspired and grew an affinity for those as well. He was attached to each and every one of them. He continued to watch.

Time trailed into nothingness as He protected his newborns. He shielded them from major harm, unless He felt the necessity. Collisions would occur and He could feel the patterns and movements forming around Him. He willed the molten cores together, building and shaping the outer matter. He loved His work. He loved His creations.

He awaited with patience. He watched and breathed. He willed the shapes from the formless void. He nuzzled his face against the collected waters that rippled and coursed over the entire surface. He felt the cold of it and knew He must add a source of heat.

He spoke to His Systems again. "Let there be Light!"

He, of course, did not need to speak. It felt good to Him. He breathed and strands of energy pulled together. The orb of energy and cosmic fusion of the smallest of particles. The brilliant display made Him content. The orb grew and grew until it was large enough to sustain itself in the void of space. Visible light shone outward from it and He could see the patterns of the waters of His newborn planet as it fought for orbit. He breathed and it teetered and rolled until the slow movements of the other planets became balanced in place, moving in a systematic dance.

And there was Light. Yes, there was light across the Solar System.

He called the Light of Day and the Dark of Night. He breathed the will of this into the very form of the newborn planet. This was the end of His First Day on the job, but it would not end there. He would nurture it.

Earth View

He watched His babies flow and form. He watched the energies of cosmic events glow and play across the face of the Universe. He was happy. He watched as the spinning of the planets also drew into balance against one another. He felt them slide into their proper place and became self-sustaining. He let them roll along their cosmic orbit around their own star. He watched as the spin of the planet was faster than the orbit of the planet around the star.

He called each planetary spin according to the shine of its star's light. He saw that there was now Morning and Evening. He saw these phases become self-sustaining and He was content.

He watched the subtle play of light dapple across the watery surface. He saw the nuance of the waves and tidal forces. He was pleased at His Second Day of work.

He molded this planet, pushing the water and pulling the land. Ever-so-slowly He formed the shapes and curves of rock and silica to split the watery surface. He smiled at his creation.

"I shall call the land Earth, and above it the Heavens."

He watched the slow changing of the Earth as it matured over time. The orbits blurred forward in His vision as He watched and loved His Creation... as He did for those other Millions of newborn Planets. He was an echo in space, everywhere and nowhere at once. He watched the whole of the Universe as it aged past its infancy. He protected His Creations and waited.

He grew lonely for new things to watch. He breathed and green plants grew from seed. Fruit trees and other forms that grew from seed. He watched them grow from birth to death to recycle back again. He was content. He could watch as the winds blew across deserts and grasslands and now forests and marshes and so many other types of lands. The colors were vibrant. He watched as they became self-sustaining. He saw them grow, mature, and birth new. He saw the evolution through generations as they adapted to the movements of the environment on their own. He could feel their growth.

He watched as the plantlife became self-sustaining and He was content. He watched the wind across fields and rock. He watched the rain against the marshlands. He saw the forests play. He was happy. He was please at His Third Day of work.

He saw the darkness too dark against the Night and thought about it. He breathed and dust formed together, pulling and spinning until it balanced and turned around the Earth. He watched as the Earth changed through time, mountains crumbling and reforming, grasslands being flooded and new plant growth springing to life in different places. The Earth truly was self-sustaining. He desired a way to track these Events. H breathed and clouds formed together. Where clouds once obscured the Heavens, the dots of the stars began to show.

There movements in the Universe could now show fractions of time. Thus Events could be recorded. He moved new matter together and formed the nebulae with beautiful colors and patterns. He formed lifeless solar systems to dance and play. They balanced. He looked out from his Mind from the Earth and saw the splash of stars' lights and the patterns in the skies. He was content.

He saw stripes and expanses of color. He watched flowing patterns across the night skies. He loved. He was pleased at His Fourth Day of work.

He continued to watch the cosmos grow and whir away in distances unkown. He watched with His tethered mind as the Days and Nights blurred into one another as streams of Light and Dark. He drifted in His thoughts and felt lonely. He needed more things to watch. He need more things for which to care.

He breathed life into the smallest particles. He watched as the forked lightnings of storms echoed thunder. He listened and heard His own breath. It was a pulse. He watched as those particles evolved over time. He saw them join and create more things. He created more and more of these new things to grow and evolve.

He watched as these grew within the water and became the Fishes and the Sea Creatures. The entire watery surfaces were saturated with beautiful colors and patterns. These Sea Creatures swam and played together in harmony. He watched as new evolutions would feed on the lower. He saw that this created balance. He was content.

He watched as they flipped and splashed all over the surface of the Earth. He then saw the first one move towards dry land. He watched as it died, unable to acclimate to the difference between. He saw more and more evolve in this way, forming their own systems to accommodate for the changes.

He watched as they became the Land Animals. He was content that they were finding the new world exciting. He watched as some of those same Land Animals evolved through the spinning Days and Nights. He saw them sprout feathers and wings to soar to the skies. He was content with his Creations. There were now Fishes and other Sea Creatures, Land Animals, and Birds in the skies. He was happy.

He followed their movements in herds and packs. He smiled at their existence. He wept at their deaths. He followed the movements of all of them on all of the planets He had Created. He was pleased at His Fifth Day of work.


He watched the patterns of those creatures. He marveled at what they were and how they lived. He stared at them through the long Days and Nights. He saw how the patterns returned over and over. He watched as they became self-sustaining and balanced against nature.

Over time He became lonely, for He had none of His own kind. He wanted to create a new thing that could work through His will and that He could communicate. Using His own breath He formed Mankind from the evolved primates that thrived. He formed Man and Woman in His own vast, cosmic image. He set down the first pair in the most beautiful place that He could find within that world.

There He spoke to them and told them the rules. He was content that they were fond of Him and He of them. He spoke to them often until they broke the rules and left, the natural curiosity of Mankind from His own curious breath pushing them to move outward. They birthed children and taught them their ways. He spoke to these offspring at times. He grew very fond of these Creations above all others on Earth.

He had taught them directly how to master the Earth, the Sea, and the Animals. He taught them to use their mind to become more. He breathed His will into their works and was content. He was pleased at His Sixth Day of work.

He watched as they grouped into families. He saw them grow and mature through the blurring generations. He watched them intently and gave them assistance to become more than what they were, as He did for those other planets for which He cared. He knew their Love, their Passion, even their Hatred. He saw them Master their world.

He saw them fight and kill. He grew weary of them. He flooded lands, brought pestilence, and still they lived onward. His Creations had become Master to Earth. He watched and hoped for them, but He felt they had too much knowledge and not enough understanding. He could not destroy them utterly, though, as He still Loved them. He would wait, but He could not watch them directly any longer.

"And now I shall rest, for I am worn of the work that I have done. When I awake, I shall judge my Creations and determine their worth."

His tethered mind answered the calls of Mankind as they Mastered the Land, the Sea, the Air, and all Creatures that arose upon it. He smiled in His dreams. He dreamed their movements as His tether fed Him the infinite knowledge of all of Humanity and all such creatures on all such planets. He was content.

He slept peacefully and roused to the surface of the dream to answer those calls of Mankind. He breathed His own essence onto the planet in the form of a Man as His dreams became more nightmarish and tense. He breathed the will of Himself through that Man as the man lived, grew, died and rose again. He became unhappy with the notions of Mankind during these times. He spoke through His dreams to these people. He caused Miracles and other such Events that would be recorded.

He untethered and drifted deep into slumber. He will judge our worth when He awakes. He will refer to the stories that were recorded. Here ends the Genesis of the Universe and the Bible itself.


First ever perfect marriage between science and creationism I've read. Really, really good.

I've always found Religion to be a bit hollow since I so fully enjoy learning about science. I really think in some way, that God is a cosmic Scientist and we're one of his millions of ongoing tests; and, like the story says, he's now "sleeping" and will judge us worthy or not when he awakens.

I believe a Day in God Time is equivalent to a Cosmic Epoch or Eon. Something like that. Revelations from the Bible will be after that "re-awakening".

I really appreciate that you found my story to be that good.

Religion was forced down my throat while growing up. Think Carrie's mother in the Stephen King novel. Took me 25 years to shake off the final fear of ending up in hell (though I stopped practicing in my teens) to become an atheist, thanks to a free CD stuck to a magazine containing a program called Red-shift which simulated the known universe (was pretty good for the 90s) I'm almost twice that age now and have mellowed out some.

For years, I went a bit Richard Dawkins and Bill Maher on everyone with a pair of ears, but realised that I was was basically evangelizing my personal convictions and no better than those screaming tent preachers who hit people with their jackets.

Today I'd classify myself as a pantheist. Without evidence, I have to reject all earthly gods and always will until proven wrong, but the universe does some really strange and amazing things. There is something else going on. Dark matter and energy are problematic concepts. If I am self-aware, it means that the universe is too. Because I don't live in the universe. I am it and if little clumps of it can become self-aware for a few decades, some built-in "aliveness" must permeate it.

I think the "answer" is way bigger and different than we humans could grasp at this stage of our evolution.

I would not disagree with your line of thought. My belief is a bit different than many... a bit of Calvinism and Buddhism and Christian, I guess.

If you want to read about it, I'm linking it here.

I wrote this some months back, but I've had this conceptually in my mind and heart for quite some time.

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Amazing and profound writing.

"I shall call the land Earth, and above it the Heavens."

The Bible is a profound source. Even if you don't believe in God or the Biblical writings, the stories and context should still be considered profound. I say this because it's lasted generations and would have changed the course of Humankind had it not existed.

@dbzfan4awhile bro sorry for late response I was not active bcoz my exams will start from Monday.... Bro it was really great to read story about bible and know about the culture. I think after reading your article every religion teaches us to love each other and stay in unity but it is we people who discriminate each other based on caste colour creed. The

I would completely agree that Mankind itself has created our own faults. One day I hope that the Truth sinks in and we begin to accept and cherish our fellow man; and I'm definitely guilty of this as well, so I certainly have a great deal of room for growth.

You need to do a lot of research to find such information. You've done super research on this information. This article has taught me a lot. Thank you very much

I did, at the least, try to perform due diligence when it came to working through the texts of the Bible when creating this alternate versioning.

well thats really a holy post i love to read its make my time precious by reading it thanxs for sharing with stemmit family!

I hope that it made you think of the Spiritual in a slightly different way, even if you disagree with where the story is coming from.

yeah i dissagree with that!

No worries, that's why we have freedoms.

yap and thats really what freedom call!

This is really true. Great article keep it up Godbless.

Thank you. I enjoyed writing this little Creationist/Evolution/Sci-Fi story.

this is likely absolutely true......but i have little knowledge ....so i have to read more on it

If this inspires you to read and research some of the Biblical events as well as Science, then my work is a success.

when i read a post from you,then almost of time i researched on that or read about something on that.........love to stay with you

I really do like to make people think about it.

Amazing post, I enjoyed and have full of knowledge. Thank you & God Bless you @dbzfan4awhile

I truly appreciate your feedback. God bless you too.

loved it,,@dbzfan4awhile this post took me in a different state of mind surrounded and trapped in the questions of humanity..

Thanks so much for that. I really do enjoy making people walk outside of their own skin to think of alternative things.

Creative article and specially light bursting out of bible look amazing :)

I appreciate you reading my words.

pretty interesting, good job friend

I just want to make people stop for a few moments and consider how God's words in the hands of Man might not be 100% accurate to what His divine meaning was meant to convey. I know this is beyond what many might consider, but hopefully it triggers some discussion between people.

and I think that you will achieve and little by little more people time in practice. Greetings friends here I am supporting your publications

Thanks so much! I really appreciate it.

well i need a long time for this to read

Read it as you can. I hope you enjoy it.

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 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

I thank you for your kind words. I know it's a bit outside of what Religion teaches us, but why cannot more than just the physical words on paper be what God is all about?

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks so much.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thank you for reading my work!