Hello bro
I appreciate your talent a lot and i'm jealous of you currently, looking at the way i need animated graphic design in my daily hustle on the internet.
Seeing afolabi on your name makes me think you're a Nigerian brother like me but you mentioned in your post that you are canadian. So i went in search for your intro post and saw that you're you have a Nigeria background.
This is a good initiative but i have to be frank with you that the price tag is something few steemians will be able to afford. And also you need more promotion to get seen on this platform and i hope i can help with my tiny -little influence in this platform.
You don't mind we chat on talk discord so we can discuss many things.
If you are yet to join this discord use this link https://discord.gg/nsw2VSb and you won't regret joining the platform.
Hope to hear from you soon
Thank you for the encouragement brother. I have taken your words into consideration and significantly reduced the price from 39 to 7. I will get on discord soon so we can talk.