I am deeply infatuated with fractals! Their geometrical symmetry amazes me.
I use a program called J-Wildfire to to create these fractals.
Don't fall in the wormhole 😉.
This one is made from hearts... Isn't that cool?
Contact me on Steemit.chat if you want to have a fractal made for you :-D
I share your fondness for these geometric patterns we call fractals. I have found that they exist in every aspect of our being. This includes thought, sound, taste etc. it’s as if fractals are the organic digital framework of GOD. Whomever that is...
Fractals are truly enchanting! There is definitely something (or someone) making beautiful fractals in our world 👍
Thanks for commenting
Very nice design I love the color patterns
I'm glad you enjoyed! Follow for more!
very beautiful design, I like
Thank you! I very much enjoy them as well.
always upvote fractals
Thank you. Much appreciated 😉
These are good fractals.
Thank you very much!