Why, when we ask some parents about the future of their children, especially in terms of academic specialization, the answer comes directly without any hesitation: “Medicine or engineering”, as if the whole world is no longer valid except for such academic disciplines!
The whole world is now looking forward to the people of creativity and perfection, whether in medicine or engineering or in any specialization.
Yes, I do not deny that there are certain disciplines whose range is, in fact, wider than others, such as medicine or engineering, and they are among the fields that parents usually prefer, whether for boys or girls, but for how long will these children continue to live among societies, some of which are still closed in thought and thinking to an extent what? Communities that are still stuck between the rubble, clinging to the mud of those memories, societies in which studying medicine or engineering may have become something of a given, while other disciplines may be reprehensible, and this is nothing but a thing of ignorance. When will these people and their likes of those who have these principles and beliefs realize that their ideas have been consumed by eternity?! And that the whole world is now looking forward to the people of creativity and mastery, whether in medicine or engineering or in any specialization whatsoever.
One of the unfortunate and funny things at the same time that came to my mind while I was writing these words was that a young man who was studying computer programming (IT) at a university in Sidon, where I live, made a quick comparison between his university and a British university. And that is in terms of the academic course in the same field, and he found at that time that the subjects in his university may reach 20 subjects or more, but unfortunately, an average of approximately 30% of them has absolutely nothing to do with the academic specialization, neither from near nor from afar, while the number of subjects was Studying at that British university does not exceed 9 subjects only, most of which, if not all, focus on a particular specialty.
When will we realize that we are living in a continuous scientific and technological development and that we now need creativity more than ever before?
Why is such important issues not reconsidered by the Ministers of Education and other officials and stakeholders?!
Why is there not a systematic plan that begins at a young age, through which the skill of each child can be identified separately, and then work on developing and developing this skill after that?
Why are there not special fingerprints for each person, whether he is a student or a researcher, in the field of study in which he is in?
When will we realize that we are living in a continuous scientific and technological development and that we now need creativity more than ever before?
Yes creativity, and no less.
Akram Saleh
General practitioner, interested in writing.