Antidote To Perfectionism & Procrastination

in #creativity8 years ago

Are you also one of those that:

  • constantly underestimates their true potential without being aware of it ?
  • always strives to be better not realising how good they really are already.
  • doesn't finish projects because they're only happy with 'perfect' results.

Well, you're not alone. So many people suffer from this, and I used to be one of them. There are a few reminders that I read when feeling like postponing or not finish a job or creative task, and I'd love to share them with you because I feel that procrastination is a bitch. So here they are:

  1. Know that it's never going to be perfect, there will always be things that can be improved upon. Give yourself the opportunity to improve by creating things that are far from perfect.

  2. If the big picture scares you, try breaking it down into the smallest steps possible. This way you create mini tasks that you're less likely to feel demotivated by.

  3. Then ask yourself: What can I actually do right now? Start doing these mini tasks and the momentum will build itself.

  4. Don't waste your talents by trying to produce only perfect results, but create and become better in the proces.

  5. Stop making up excuses and stop waiting to become more wise, intelligent, conscious or 'in the mood'.

  6. Do it for yourself without seeking approval from others and without comparing yourself to others.

Hope this helps you finishing that project you've procrastinating on, creating that business or blog you've been wanting to create or even call that person you should call.


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