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RE: How to be disciplined even when you don’t have discipline

in #creativity7 years ago (edited)

This is a great post. @yasminep - I think you will love this too considering you've just wrote posts around motivation and not beating yourself up. Seems like discipline is everything!

Also love your tips on sleeping better, I want to try and get into a similar routine, especially with not using my phone an hour or so before bedtime. I once challenged myself for half h and think I lasted 2 weeks. Lol

Is the easiest thing to keep your phone in a separate room would you say? Or maybe turn it off all togethers and go back to an old school alarm clock? :-)


Nice spot, Ings! @kadavy i'll be following you from now on ;-) Love the way you write and seems we share a lot of similar processes.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and sharing @ingaa, and I'm glad you enjoyed it, @yasminep.

To stay off the phone, I think it's important to have something else you enjoy more – a ritual like my reading and aromatherapy.

I definitely don't allow my phone in the bedroom. At 10pm I silence it and put it face down on my dining table, far away from my bedroom and the couch I read on. If I need an alarm, I use my Amazon Echo, or my iPad, on which I don't allow messaging or social media apps.

That's really the way to do it. It also means your phone is not what you're looking at first thing in the morning when you wake up. I really should try this out.

Yeah I don't touch my phone from 10pm until the next morning after I've worked a couple hours.