Their desires landed them phat on the #'s and stakes. Eye Am pleased with my Epic Security Eye Brows-ER...
Have rated them all for going "in cog"...neato, huh?
It was extremely expensive for me, but thanks to #DARPARed, the #mushroomcloud of #Gelato (never was "Color Red"...who red??"), the freeze for comb-you-stone'd is ATT-quad-ported under Martinez-Admiralty-Law.
VNV always knew...
How they stuffed themselves into that thing is pretty wasn't a tooth. And the funny tie is that the sandwich was a turd in the yellow bowl. No submarine...Astro-nots on Swirly powers.
It is so over. Capo my guitar as she gently weeps in my arms.
Rage!! Diggs on the tunes. I may do a fire show and play some music. Tired of not being able to stream Twitch to YouTube for songs...