Breaks in routines can be awesome for making new habits. It's how I could quit smoking tobacco cigarettes.
I've always had troubles with concentration. Libraries are my favorite places to hang out and get shit done although I always felt that I should be able to work anywhere no matter the conditions. I like your approach of trying different things to get the creativity flowing.
Intermittent fasting helps me also. It made me realize how much time I spend eating and thinking about eating. :d
I can relate to the issue of concentration. I think this method of shaking up our routine works best for people like us.
I have some friends who rave about fasting. I tried 24 hours and 36 hours. The 24 hours did just that, it made me realize how much I think about eating and how much of my eating is more out of habit and distraction than anything else. The 36 hour one was like "why am I doing this? this is stupid, I can't focus, this is real hunger" haha I will be trying 24 hours again though as it does shake things up and it's not that hard to do.