I've loved video games for as long as a I remember, for me they were a way to wind down and relax for a few hours after a long day. recently I haven't had the time to play them but I still do from time to time. However, they seem boring now. Nothing is new everything is same which brought me to come up with an idea for a video which could be done but will likely take year to develop.
What is it?
Take your average AAA RPG or mmo and multiply that by a 1,000,000, that's what im going for. GTA V was a huge map and it still is but after a while it's repetitive and so is the game play. I'm out to fix this with my new idea. My idea for a video game has the entire world as your map scaled to size of course. You the player are allowed to choose where you spawn in the world and will be given your own settlement. Depending on where you choose to live there will be certain events or resources available to you. For example if you are in Europe there will come a time when the black death will hit. America, the immigrants will wipe out much of your population. But it gets better from here, you control every aspect of the game from you who trade with, what law's your people have to abide by and more. As time goes on technology will advance and you will for example be able to sail the ocean to new lands or even start a proper currency and banking system for your country. If you want you can even start wars to expand your empire, however this might anger other countries and as a result they could attack you as well. There would even be a complex trading system with that you choose to regulate with tariffs quotas and embargo. Basically this video game would allow you to do almost what ever you want.
This is just a rough idea on what it would be like, I for one do not have the resources to make it I just wanted to get the idea out there.
its only a matter of time before googleEarth sells its data to a game developer :)
Its extremely graphic intensive to run large map games. I'm sure in the future as graphic processing becomes more powerful we will see more of these type of open world games. But awesome idea, I always wanted to play a more life-like version of GTA haha!
True! but technology is growing fast no reason why there shouldn't be a game like this by the time we get humans to mars!
This idea does have merit. Even though it will require large amounts of processing power, it is quite possible. Keep on with this idea!