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RE: Interview with @Yahialababidi: Master of Aphorisms!

in #creativity7 years ago

This is lovely_/|\_, thank you, for all you do for artists! @lilyraabe, you're a class act with a big heart, enviable energy and contagious enthusiasm <3 I'm very grateful for this generous (and artistic!) profile and wish you all continued success with your fine work

World Peace.jpg


And thank you for saying yes to the feature. :) Feel the same way about your work here--people like you are what inspire and excite me about this platform. The opportunity to connect with amazing folks I'd never meet otherwise is so wonderful!

It was easy to accept, knowing I was in the good hands of a kindred spirit. I really appreciate what you say about placing high value on showcasing those artists who are committed to using their writing and work to build empathy in this world. This is a noble goal to aspire to, and will keep me on my tip toes :) Much Love <3

So much love going around! <3