Was thinking the procedure for running the mining node will be shared anyway coming to Telegram to get full details as I have been sitting on the fence for long
Posted using Partiko Android
Was thinking the procedure for running the mining node will be shared anyway coming to Telegram to get full details as I have been sitting on the fence for long
Posted using Partiko Android
You won't how easy and simple this is until you give it a try. all I do at night is to unlock my wallet and boom it starts mining by itself.
My first desktop wallet was corrupted had to Uninstall the application yesterday and dex bot. Will looking into it later at night when the network is clear and any challenge I meet on the way straight to your dm on telegram or whatsapp
Posted using Partiko Android
No problem brother. If you have coin in your desktop wallet make sure you back it up before Uninstalling it.
My first desktop wallet was corrupted had to Uninstall the application yesterday and dex bot. Will looking into it later at night when the network is clear and any challenge I meet on the way straight to your dm on telegram or whatsapp
Posted using Partiko Android