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RE: REAL CRIME: The Elin Krantz Case (NSFW)

in #crime-scene8 years ago

Hard to comment on this... it strikes me as a toxic extension of the (otherwise good) idea that we should all get along. Sacrificing oneself-- or an entire culture-- in the name of inclusiveness is really not a "noble" thing, it's just stupid or bad case of blindness to reality.

I'm loath to point the finger of generalization at "The Left" or "The Right" to assign blame... both are to blame, in very different ways... one for a sick almost "militarized" political correctness; the other for a form of aggressive intolerance that sows the seeds of hate and revenge in others. Nobody's blameless... we all get to sit in our shit and consider how we got here.

Is the penalty OK? Nope... life in maximum security with no chance for parole. And maybe that's where we need to look... "choices have consequences." Give people freedom within reason, but make the consequences of abusing that freedom a serious enough deterrent that a sense of order prevails... AND so wholesale migration from point A to point B is only attractive to those who truly want to create a better life for themselves.

But that's just one person's opinion...