”… They basically took over our country like a parasite invading a host organism, and not a shot was fired, because only those engaged in this treason and fraud knew what was going on. And they were operating under Color of Law.
The rest of us were as clueless as the flowers in May --- and purposefully kept that way, as they hid themselves behind a ‘cloak of secrecy’, rewrote our school textbooks, hid our public records, and substituted their laws and government subunits for ours…”
”To All the Other Nations
By Anna Von Reitz
”Most of the time I am focused on my own country, and that should be understood and forgiven. If our country were to falter, so would the rest of the world, so don't feel that this concentration on America is misplaced.
We were used as the primary pirate base. As most of the Perps responsible for this are English, they wanted us, the Americans, to take the blame. So they used our country as Crime Central because it was convenient and ‘vacant’.
There was no pesky land and soil jurisdiction government present to limit their operations.
With our government being ‘absent’ they thought they had a free hand and would have a free hand forever, so that's why they set up so many of their operations in this country.
It was our patent office that they abused. It was our mail system they abused. It was our court system that they undermined and rendered inoperable. Here is where they set up all the shell corporations and the Funny Money. The Cestui Que Vies. The Public Charitable Trust. The ‘National Corporations’ and ‘National Banking Associations’. The individual franchise claims. All of it.
They basically took over our country like a parasite invading a host organism, and not a shot was fired, because only those engaged in this treason and fraud knew what was going on. And they were operating under Color of Law.
The rest of us were as clueless as the flowers in May --- and purposefully kept that way, as they hid themselves behind a ‘cloak of secrecy’, rewrote our school textbooks, hid our public records, and substituted their laws and government subunits for ours.
They had us in a nice bind. Only we could address the problems our employees were causing, and we were asleep at the wheel, unaware that anything was wrong.
Over time their narrative began to fray around the edges. The ravages of the IRS caught our attention. The injustice of the courts caught our attention. The brutality of the police caught our attention. The inflation of the currency caught our attention. And finally, they caught our attention in sum total.
Now, we know the whole story. We know who they are, what they did, and how they did it. We know the true status of the bookkeeping and accounting owed to our country and our people. We have been able to trace the entire history of this criminality in this country and have successfully unraveled the history of it in the British Isles, as well.
From there, it is easy to extrapolate all the rest, especially as the situation in the seventeen countries of Western Europe and their continued occupation by the ‘Allies’ since World War II, is more or less self-evident. And so is the situation in the former British Commonwealth.
Please bear in mind that those responsible long ago set their eyes on China as their next ‘host’ and have been engaged in hardcore racketeering, theft, fraud, and impersonation against the Americans and our country as a whole for decades -- ever since Ronald Reagan published the Grace Commission Report and opened up friendly relations with China.
The Grace Commission Report revealed that they had ‘topped off’ their ability to borrow and operate on our purloined credit, and signalled all the corporations involved to move to China. China, for its part, was grateful for the sudden influx of business and did not suspect that it was being targeted as the next host for the parasites.
They moved our industries and jobs to China. They purported to have the authority to sell our Uranium to Russia. They engaged in endless wars for profit and used our unwitting sons and daughters as cheap mercenaries. They impersonated us and squandered our credit like the hackers they are and they have tried to do the same with our hard assets.
They fully intended to make China their new pirate base.
Things haven't turned out that way.
Among the other things I did as Fiduciary for this country was to claim all the franchises of the various UNITED STATES, INC. and USA, Inc., corporations.
This included the so-called state and national corporations they set up as feeders for their system:
Australia, Inc. and AUSTRALIA, INC., for example.
Recently, some wrong-headed individuals, particularly in Australia, have gotten the idea that I ‘stole’ their country's wealth by claiming these foreign franchises.
Those franchises belonged to the parent corporations, and those parent corporations are contractual debtors of The United States of America -- Unincorporated. Not contractual debtors of Australia.
This is an important point.
They didn't have a contract with the people of Australia, so they just used their ‘Territorial Government’ on Norfolk Island as a pirate base and used the ‘failure’ of the people to establish a new land and soil government to replace the Commonwealth, as their excuse to put their Raj in place.
They did unto Australia precisely what they had done to India fifty years earlier, and so, the British Government contrived to give freedom from the Commonwealth System with one hand, and establish an even more lawless and oppressive Territorial Government over Australia with the other hand.
The people of Australia would have had no standing to touch these ‘National’ franchises or track their receipts, because these franchise corporations quite literally have nothing to do with Australia, except for their names and the damage they've done.
They are foreign with respect to Australia and Australia's people.
The people of Australia were just as clueless as the Americans, so it wasn't as if we had a land and soil government representing Australia to assist in reclaiming those assets at that time, circa 2014-15.
Except for the claims entered for Australia in recognition of the land and soil owed to the Australian people by the Hereditary Lord High Steward of England, Ivan Talbot, the only recognizable government on the land and soil of Australia are the assemblies of living people who have corrected their political status, claimed their birthright, and gotten organized on their own.
Please understand that Ivan Talbot lives in Australia and is not acting as some kind of Crown Goon trying to undermine Australia as a country.
His actions have, like mine, served to preserve the land and soil jurisdiction of many countries of the former Commonwealth for the people who live there, as well as to protect the land and soil of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales during the absence of the Queen, and now, the King.
Do you see the common thread of the actual land and soil government being ‘absent’? Even the British Monarch was conveniently ‘absent’ during all this criminality and racketeering.
As Fiduciary for this country, I had to claim the franchises of these corporations because their parent corporations owe us a load of both assets and credit --- but that does not imply that I did so with exclusivity or malice.
We fully recognize that Australia and its people (like all the other countries and people impacted by this scheme) were victims of a foreign criminal syndicate operating ‘in their names’ and that they have assets and credit, both, that are owed to them out of the Giant Slush Pile that I claimed back and extracted.
To expedite their claims, we opened up the Global Family Group's portal service, known as the International Land Recording and Publishing Service:https://globalfamilygroup.com/lrps.html
Anyone in the world, any country, can reclaim their Good Name, DNA, land and soil, business interests, and all their other natural assets and property, both public and private, and establish the record of their claim using a unique international blockchained derivative recording system that can't just disappear or be hacked.
Each of us that returns to our natural land and soil jurisdiction status can also then sign up for an account with the Bilateral Bank System, which allows everyone to trade in silver and gold, or, to access commercial currencies, at will.
Individual disbursements of gold-backed American Federation Dollars have already gone to the individual accounts established before December 1st 2023.
My best (and obvious) advice is to beat feet home and claim back all your assets which have been preserved for you by my efforts and the efforts of other like-minded people all over this planet.
In this way, we can transition everyone back into possession of their assets and credit and control of their governments and put an end to the threat posed by run amok corporations and incompetent or corrupt political leadership.
The people who are now ‘returning home’ to their birthright political status are the only ones who can provide themselves with a land and soil jurisdiction government, so above and beyond providing for their own claims and needs, they need to embark on the adventure of self-governance.
Using Australia as an example -- the old Commonwealth Government provided them with the basic structure of Provinces and seats of government and post offices and public facilities and utilities and court buildings, etc., as an inheritance.
When the end of the Commonwealth was announced and the people did nothing to form their own new government (because they were not educated nor informed that they needed to do this) the Raj added another level to their administration and double-charged the people of Australia for these additional ‘services’.
That's how things have sat in Australia and throughout the former Commonwealth since the early 1970's, with a foreign ‘service’ corporation in charge of both the military and civilian government functions of Australia, operating as two foreign municipal corporations that were totally unaccountable to the people of Australia.
This corruption in which incorporated foreign entities usurped the actual government they were supposed to serve and the public employees usurped upon their employers is typical of the situation throughout the Western World.
Those who are confused about any of this and who are accusing me of being a ‘pig’ and of claiming all the credit and assets for my country in exclusion of everyone else's valid claims -- they all need to settle down and face facts.
I claimed back what the pirates stole from all of us, because I was the only one in position to act as a Lawful Fiduciary working for the actual Creditors -- the living people.
So what do the living people need to do to reclaim their identities and other assets?
They need to make use of the system we have provided free gratis for them to make their claims and receive back assets and credit they are owed as individuals and as nations.
They first need to correct their own political status records, reclaim their Good Name and DNA and all their other property both public and private, and get busy forming (in some cases) or restoring (as in our situation) a competent land and soil jurisdiction government for themselves.
That's what needs to happen and all that needs to happen, except a general education on the subject of government and jurisdiction, so that this can never happen again.
We appreciate our neighbors and respect them as living people and we respect their countries as countries, not as corporations inhabited by legal fiction ‘persons’.
Even those who are unfortunate enough to be classified as ‘persons’ as a result of their work and employment conditions are not forgotten, so long as they also uphold and are true to their identity as Americans or Australians or Japanese or...
That is, even public employees who unknowingly took part in this corruption and who, when faced with the facts, choose to uphold their national identity, will be honored and enabled to return ‘home’ and receive back assets and credit and rights and respect that they are owed as living people.
I have done this as a Fiduciary for the living people. Sorting out the situation for my own country has, as an unavoidable ‘additional duty’ required sorting it out for all the other countries and people.
A Fiduciary unlike a mere Representative is not enabled to be a crook. I never had any intention of serving myself or my country to anything that isn't legitimately ours, and I have committed myself in public by recording my Irrevocable Will.
We have struggled long and hard to develop the means to recoup the assets that belong to the living people and to put in place the services they need to reclaim them. We also have had to develop the new Bilateral Banking System from the ground up.
All this has been accomplished by volunteers, by people just like you, donating their labor and knowledge and funds, to make it possible for living people to restore their lawful governments and reclaim their assets and credit, their Good Names, their DNA, their homes and businesses, their land and soil and everything else that naturally belongs to them.
We did this out of the goodness of our hearts and because we realized that it is the living people, the plants, the animals, and the Earth that matter, not the corporations.
So, we reclaimed all the assets owed to the living people and have provided the means for every man and woman worldwide to simply, peaceably, come home and claim what is lawfully theirs-- individually and collectively as countries and nations.
There's no ‘pigging’ or charlatanism or cheating going on here. It's just a straight across the board business of reclaiming your own assets, including your Good Name, and then restoring your own lawful government.
We have, in good faith, provided the means for everyone to record their claims -- the International Land Recording and Publishing Service cited above.
We have, in good faith, published notice of our actions and have explained them and also provided the history leading up to this situation.
We have, in good faith, established a new Bilateral Banking System that is competent to return both actual assets and credit owed to individual living people and their lawful governments worldwide.
We have done all this research, taken all these actions, and provided all these services at our own expense and on the strength of donations from like-minded people.
[continue yOUR learning here!]
And that, my friends, is a Christmas Miracle. Give thanks.
And now, take sensible action on your own behalf to reclaim your identity and inheritance, and also take action on behalf of your country to restore and operate your lawful government.
Be part of the solution.”
I am skeptical of projects intent upon supplanting the nation-states we live under today. Such governments consist of people with no honor or decency. But all good-faith efforts to build alternatives demonstrate how little real consent exists under the status quo, and one day the mask must fall, revealing the demonic truth underneath.
brother, we could learn what is True… which is hidden behind the Lies we all were educated to beLIEve about “their government”… “their government” (incorporated) is not “our government” (unincorporated).
it is mostly because THEY educated us about “their government” and lied to us saying that government applied to us because THEY mis-classified us is their subordinates, when we have always been these public servants’ superior “public Masters”!
it is important that we re-form/re-occupy “our government” of, by, and for the people… in order to have the standing and re-claimed authority to reign in our rouge employees. 👑
@jacobtothe “nations” are made up of living people; “States” are the land, waters, minerals, all assets of, and the people within a defined (via metes and bounds) area; “States of States” are business organizations established by the governing people to conduct business internationally with other States. 🧐