Canada TV personality Steve Ecklund Kills Cougar And Brags About It

in #crime7 years ago

Steve Ecklund has caused outrage for the unnecessary kill of a cougar and posting pictures online.

This horrible act has even caught the attention of Laureen Harper, the wife of Canada's former prime minister, Stephen Harper.

The couple have a great amount of love and appreciation for wildlife, especially cats. The former prime minister was also an MP for Alberta, the province where the beautiful creature was hunted and killed.

As disgusting as it is to me, it was nothing outside of the norm for many out there who also took pride in defending Steve Ecklund.

Steve Ecklund was so proud of his kill and soon to be meal that he was not shy about posting pictures of the cougars meat, as he was all smiles.

A link to BBC down below.


I agree with you, if you are some celebrate that you have to motivate people to save life of animals and we must care them . Such acts just for publicity, it's shameful act.

I think it is high time to preserve our nature and species and we should all act responsibally

Totally agree!

Big cats are exotic game and I say NO to exotic game killing. Go hunt a snake or something!

Yes, big cats are "exotic", but cows are fair game to all meat-craving bipedal species alike!

IMO, if you eat meat and you disapprove of a man hunting for meat, you're either in denial of the fact that your eating meat indirectly leads to killing for meat or you're a hypocrite. You're a fool or dishonest, take your pick (I'm not talking directly to you, rather to people with meat in their diet).

My guess is that this person is not hunting for meat (he can get his meat at Walmart). He's in it for the sport. And if he were that hungry, he would eat a snake or a snail, now wouldn't he? And for what it's worth, cows are not exotic game, which was my point to begin with.

Wal-Mart's toxic piles of muscle tissue and chemicals are NOT meat. That's disgusting.

Mountain Lions are not exotic, either. they are native to Canada.... ("Exotic:
originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country."

Big cats are all classified as"exotic" by the Humane Society and most other animal classifiers. That's like saying elephants are not considered "exotic" in Africa.

Just because the Human Society has redefined words doesn't mean that those words are accurate...

All irrelevant anyways, for 2 reasons. Number one is because obviously this man is eating the animal he has harvested, and Mountain Lions are good food. Number two, is there seems to be no classification of Cougars as "Exotic".... (Can I get a little help, please? I have been tearing the web up, and still no sign...)

Hunters do something that Vegans never could: Admit they kill to eat, and actually take the responsibility for their own sustenance versus leaving someone else to murder and mutilate for them.

Who is truly more selfish?

"Hunters do something that Vegans never could: Admit they kill to eat, and actually take the responsibility for their own sustenance versus leaving someone else to murder and mutilate for them"
Oh I see that you are a vegan expert now... Excuse me, but who is killing and mutilating for them? what is being killed for them?

Not a vegan though, I admit I eat meat, and I have seen how animals are killed so that I can eat. It makes you think about it twice before buying a stake. I barely eat meat because I'm aware... No need to eat meat all the time...

I like that you talked about biomass in your other coment because, eating carnivores is highly inefficent.

I remember from school that only 10% of biomass passes throug to the next step on the food chain:

You can read more.

Also, the fact that he took a picture of himself with the dead animal all smiles... Makes me think that he had a GREAT time killing It. He could have eatten it at home with his family and friends BUT HE DIDN'T. He took a trophy picture so we all can critizise him.

What B.S! Hunters kill for sport and rarely is it done to feed their family. This is not the 19th century!

This man is killing because he wants to kill. It would be ideal to not kill animals in order to eat, but NO NEED to kill for fun. How is it fun??? where is the pleasure?

It would be ideal if our creator (or evolution) hadn't developed us into Biomass consuming entities that roam the lands digesting the lifeforms of the Earth...

But as it stands, everything that's alive kills something else to survive. Fucking Nature...

I'm not sure how you'd know that he does it for fun, but if that's true, I somewhat agree that it's wrong.

I say somewhat because I feel that not so deep within our genetics in what we could call our "primal instincts" lies a pleasure/ reward system for a successful hunt, particularly in men, as we didn't really have much choice but to hunt for our own food not so long in the distant past. It could just be that he's happy to have provided meat for his family, fulfilling one of his primal roles as the man of the family, which I'm fine with.

If, however, he does it because he simply has a thirst for killing animals, then it's a problem, as that's not only disrespectful to life (of which we should all be grateful for and aim to protect in others) but rather concerning regarding his psychology (enjoying things like killing is a good indicator of psychopathy and other mental disorders that may pose threat to others).

Motive is EVERYTHING and I don't think it's right to assume motive. I completely support the "innocent until proven guilty" approach to judging others, as I have direct experience with how unfair it is to be looked down on for something I didn't do.

If he had a hungry family to feed he wouldn't have taken this picture.

Is he sad that he had to kill another animal in order to eat? doesn't look like it to me. Not everyone feels sad to eat meat, no need.
Maybe just not being so happy next to this wonderful, but now dead, animal would do for me.

But you're missing a point that I made in my first post. If you eat meat, you indirectly contribute to the death of that animal, because you are part of the demand that is bringing in future supply of meat. Do people that eat meat cry from sadness that the animal was killed in order for them to eat it? No. They smile and share jokes with their friends and family around the dinner table as they wipe the blood off their mouths with a napkin.

Do you not see the hypocrisy?

The only difference here is that this man provided it for himself (and his family) instead of having someone else do the killing and butchering.

It's analogous to choosing between murdering someone yourself or hiring a hitman to do it. Either way, you're contributing to a murder.

Yes, that is something to think about.

He's eating the meat... I fail to see the problem?

You kill vegetables every day. Every. Day. Until you can feed yourself without killing even an insect or a bacterium, let's pack away the judgment, ok?

At this point the usual response is something about "But...Plants..."
So...what's the difference? One doesn't seem to move or make noise? You still have to murder and steal the life force of another entity to prolong yours.

I'm sadden by this, one should not hunt these animals for fun but only if you are gonna eat it for survival

I'm a huge animal lover and I'm also from Canada. I don't see anything wrong with this.

People hunt. I don't.

My dad does.

What he did wasn't illegal and it's also not an endangered animal.

The only downside I would say is, chasing the cat down with dogs.

If he did it himself, that would be a great achievement.

Just one word from me to comment on this atrocity "IMPOLITE"
Animals are God's created creatures, just as we humans are, so it is appropriate that we protect and protect each other, unless we are in danger, Protecting and loving rare animals is a necessity.

I've known many people who held that same esteem for animals, yet, when a spider invaded their home, or a fly, or another plucky insect, they are immediately greeted with death and mutilation.

Do you not weep for the plants and the insects?

That's the biggest cougar I've ever seen. Hunting should not be done for fun. When will people realize that what they do to others (including animals) they agree to be done to them. Golden rule.

I am horrified, this is just not right.

What if it's the Cougar that kills Steve Ecklund.
will it feels right?

Now that's the dumbest question I've seen today! Really?

Since when is cougar hunted for meat and is the meat even edible?

Well technically the meat is edible though there is a high risk of getting rabies, E. Coli etc. Anyway there is no need to do so :(

Cougars are entirely edible and have been hunted for years thousands of years.

ferchaender, can you link to any supporting evidence for these claims? I have eaten cougar for many years, and I assure you, while risk of disease is present in most wild game, if you cook it thoroughly, you're in the clear.

Very great its so horible for me

No one have right to kill animals.

Are you vegetarian? If not, someone has to kill for you to eat your meat.

Where I grew up that was normal and a popular pastime. I accepted it but never had any interest in hunting personally. So I understand but no way I could kill an animal on purpose unless my family was starving.

Then they say they are the animals.

This is just sad. This is a wild animal, yes. But as long as no one's getting hurt by this animal, he/she/it deserve to live.


More than 100 million animals are reported killed by hunters each year. That number does not include the millions of animals for which kill figures are not maintained by state wildlife agencies.

This is so sad. Such a beautiful animal. I could maybe possibly understand this kill if this was all this man had to feed himself and family. Matter of life or death. As a celebrity I doubt very much that this is the case.

I am uncertain if people realize that a cat that big probably would not hesitate to kill a human.

What is wrong with these people who think killing is a sport?

OK, really did he have to go bragging and posting the meat online, it's bad enough he went akilling, yeah guy's got to eat the meat, but posting?? Peeps be smh.

Disgusting... I have no issue with killing an animal for food, but to do it as a trophy, is just wrong.

What a shame! Being a """celebrity""""(who is celebrating? why is he called like that?) we know he is not hunting to get something to eat .... he is hunting to brag about it.

Those who don't have respect for LIFE deserve to die. I hope he dies.

Do you realize what you're saying?

He killed a living being. His life and that creature's life are no different than each other. LIFE is a right and it's not a privilege that is only given to humans. These are my thoughts. If he killed that living being for FUN, If that is the case, he deserves to die.

Disgusting guy..
What gives him the right do handle so?
It seems that he doesn‘t even understand what he‘s doing..

Don't know what he really wants to achieved for doing this. "cheap publicity" is not enough reason for animal wickedness.

This saddens me deeply.

I hate all animal killers.

Ever step on an insect?

Insects are animals..

yes, Insects are animals. But this man is more animal than insects. This man is not human..


Breaks my heart 💔😔

You are involuntary helping him to brag more by sharing this.

Even if he is hungry, this is sad for the animal. Thanks for the information @joseph