
The fact that you have KKK as one of your tags says it all...

The LEFT promotes globalism as they are paid by Soros. One empire behind this is Rothschild. Hollywood, the main stream media (MSM), and corporatism, which includes the NFL, promotes progressivism, new age communism, socialism, an alleged utopia from that book 1984. Think about the connections. There are connections here. The LEFT created the KKK as a way to get black Republicans and the LEFT is behind the BLM and even ISIS. There are so many connections.

It's hard to take you seriously when all you do is finger point. You hardly even make sense while doing it.

Here's an example from your post. You blame the LEFT for both communism and corporatism. Corporatism is an inherent aspect of capitalism, which is distinctly contrary to communism. While this doesn't make any sense, the rest isn't necessarily untrue, though the way you put it leaves a lot to be desired.

Apart from my own distaste for people's overuse of LEFT and RIGHT in today's political climate, more often using it to describe the other party as a whole instead of the extreme leanings it is meant to define, trying to equate the LEFT from a hundred-plus years ago (I'm not sure such a term existed then anyway) with that of today is useless. The parties and the world in which we live is a very different place. I'm pretty sure the LEFT you are fighting so hard against today wouldn't have had any part of creating a KKK.