Thank you for checking Criticker. The main difference is the backend. Criticker was born to give recommendations but many users also log it to log their titles as well. Our recommendation site sets us apart and we can predict your taste plus / minus some percentage points. And many times we're right on. Another big difference is that our ranking system can handle different kind of scales. Some people rank 1 to 5, others use 10,20,30 and so on. But using the full scale guarantees the best prediction.
Also, always changing and is getting developed. It's just very slow since we're only two people and don't have any funding (which will make sure that the recommendations are actual accurate and not influenced by money givers). But on our forums we have a channel just for suggestions from our users and we always listen and implement if they make sense.
The interface needs an updates as well and it has changed over the years (you should have seen the very first version of Criticker, hehe)
And the community aspect (forums) is a big seller. We attract a pretty unique group of film lovers. And of course another reason to sign up with Criticker is of course to earn rewards for ranking movies.
How, when we would implement them, it an entire different question.