Update on the blanket I am making with crochet.

in #crochet8 years ago

Let's start with the ugly truth and bad news of this post! I am not going to make it within the time I had set myself, the 30 days. Last week, at day 5 I got sick, hit by the all mighty flue and it resulted in doing nothing for 4 days and even after those days it was hard to pick up the speed of it again. I have to do a lot of full lines a day to get where I need to be and I am sure ( and sad) that I won't be able to fix the days I have lost. BUT, I am not going to stop making the blanket. No no, I am going to finish it just not withing a set time but before WINTER! 

So, here is a update on what I have done so far! 

At day 3 everything was still going well UNTIL @lynceus dropped by! He is a GAMEFANATIC and wanted to play board games. Of course we played games with him, a game with a volcano but he had to pay! I wrapped my blanket around his HEAD to show you all how far I was on day 3! Cool huh? 

Day 4 was a good day and I did my crochet while listening to some Japanese Zen music. One should say that would keep me calm while working on the blanket but for some reason I picked zen music with a lot of water sounds in it.... Result... Bathroom breaks every few minutes. But I did my 8 lines and took this picture.

Day 5, well that is when I got sick! But I do hope to pick things up again soon so that i am able to update again! 

Thank you for reading! Feel free to reply because feedback means so much to me! 

Happy creating!


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Are you using two strands of yarn held together here? What size hook are you using? Just curious.

I haven't had the inclination to crochet for a while now. I am about 25% through an afghan much like yours and haven't had the heart to work on it because I noticed that I somehow lost several stitches and the thought of ripping it out until I find the place where I messed up took the heart out of it. I also make hats with ski hats with single crochet. My husband has one I made for him about 25 years ago. He still wears it every time he has to be out in the cold.

Yes, I use two strands of yarn held together and I just had a close up look to my hook and I do believe I am in need of some reading glasses but its size 8! or 8.00 mm That is what it says.

Yeah, when you make a few mistakes it can really make you so sick that you lose the will to finish it! I do hope that one day you will pick it up again!

Sounds like we're ICK together. :(
Feel better soon!

awwww you get better soon as well sweets! <3

your blanket is looking great, (insider tip once you have mastered the basic stitches and half stitches you have all the skills you need to make any stitch as they are all a variation on the stitches you already know)

Thank you :D I can only to do stitch I am doing now lol lol but I do hope to learn and get better!

from the look of those well formed neat stitches you are a natural.

Now you are making me blush! Thank you so much!

You have a good hand dude! Like your crochet styles

Dude? Oohh nooo do you think that I am a dude? ( Looks at herself in the mirror and giggles) Thank you for the compliment about my crochet! I want to learn the more difficult stitches as well.

Oh. Duu... I'm sorry about that... I think you are the man that in the pic above.

haha, it's okay I can understand the confusing! :D

haha! I get called dude all the time...but hubby says I wear the pants, and I often say that I'd like to be a girl once in a while. A delicate butterfly I am not. hahaha! Welcome to the Girls With Balls That Clank Club, Bibi! tee hee

The most important thing is to not give up :-)

I agree and that is the reason I will keep going!

I am going to admit how weird I am, as a guy. I love crochet blankets. Those are some of my favorite Christmas gifts from aunts and other relatives. I think it is because they remind me of overnight visits at my grandparents' homes as a child.

And Zen music... I love that, too. I love the Solitudes series by Dan Gibson. One of my favorites is Zen Relaxation. I listen to that music and picture sitting in the cool shade beside a Koi pond. If you are a fan of relaxing music with nature sounds, I recommend any of Dan Gibson's Solitudes recordings.

I don't thinks its weird that you love crochet blanket I think it's rather cool! :D
I do love relaxing music and I am going to check out your recommendations! Thank you.

I can't wait to see the finished article!

I made my granddaughter a 'television blanket' for when she's snuggling down to watch a film with us when she visits.

Her mum saw it and loved it so much I'm making her one for Christmas! :)

This is going to be a 2 person blanket for on my bed. I think I should have gone for a one person snuggle blanket lol. I love blankets and I also think they make one of the best gifts ever.

They do!
I'm making one for my daughter-in-law for Christmas and I'm also practicing for two baby blankets for newborns :)

OOh I hope you will show the results of them all! :D I would love to see them!

I'll link you into the posts when I do :) Thank you <3