Want to help reach a man's dream? [Crowdfunding]

in #crowdfunding9 years ago

Tickets to go overseas are expensive, we all know that. Even the cheapest tickets puts my saving in "danger".

How? If I will spend all the money I left in my savings for the plane tickets, I would still need a lot to cover external expenses like luggages and maybe for essential food shopping if I have to contribute a little at "home" when I reach my wonderful girl.

If the miracle happens, I will document everything, from the start to the end, every passage and when I'm allowed to use internet I will post all in the topic.

I know, It's been my fault to wait so many years before being able to start saving some.

I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I tried still to save, but I had to contribute with my low budget to family stuff, like fixing the car we have(now it's so old that does so many underground sounds that looks like possessed by spirits), and I never said it here, but where I leave we had a gas leakage so we even had to pay the workers and the wonderful "job" they did( they ruined the tree we have infront of our house because the gas leak was down there)

You can make a difference, every cent counts for me, and everything will be used for visiting her, nothing else.
My actual goal is a little more than the double so I can help her a bit while I'm there

It's a small dream, my goal is not to be rich, but to be happy.

I searched through the months of this year and apparently this is the cheapest travel go/back I could find for 1 month of living with her.

She will make me learn new stuff so I feel ready, if you want to help you are more than welcome.


I think you should consider blogging in italian
and start a meetup group for steemit
you will probably do better
the whales are voting content up that helps kickstart the system
including different language posts, etc

Hope that helps!

Welcome and good luck :)

I will, since I'm also been honored to become the italian Admin of MinnowsUnite on here, I will try to bring all my italian friends via facebook.

Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

My upvote probably isn't even worth a penny... I know you've struggled for a long time trying to see your girl. Hope you can save up and see her soon. You can't be shit on forever. Something good will happen soon. Stay positive!

Thank you arvo, yes you know me from long time, and yes I always talked about when I want when I can, this year I WANT so yes I will go, no matter if I will barely have the cash for the tickets, my girl is most important than anything else.

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He made more whit the comment then you with your blog! How about that?