When you are looking to park in a lot, which is more aggravating?

in #crowdini6 years ago

Crowdini Results

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When you are looking to park in a lot, which is more aggravating?

An "empty" spot is filled by a motorcycle, scooter or bicycle (8%)

Cars parked in such a way that they stick too far out into the traffic (4%)

Parked cars taking up 2 or more spots for no reason (75%)

Parking spots not wide enough for a normal car to park in. (4%)

Somebody just sitting in their car with it in reverse and not leaving (7%)

Note: We give all voters the option to answer “Why did you choose this answer?” after voting. All comments made at Crowdini.com are shown below as comments to this post. I hope you will respond and debate these results in the comments.

Current Game

  • Game: Cinco
  • Length: Apr 22, 2019 - May 05, 2019
  • Prize Pool: 25.0 SBD
  • Points: Percentage System (see How to )
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  • Bonus: 100 points. If a question is labeled Bonus the players who choose the answer that actually happens will earn an extra 100 points.
  • Prizes: (All prizes paid in SBD)
    • First Prize - 50% of the prize pool
    • Second Prize - 20% of the prize pool
    • Third Prize - 10% of the prize pool
    • 100% Participation Prize - 20% of the prize pool split between:
      • All players who voted in every question in the game and upvoted all results posts on Steemit for the game within the first 24 hours of the post publishing.
      • If this is your first game you will be eligible if you vote in every question from the day you sign up to the end of the game and have upvoted all the results posts on Steemit starting from the day you joined.
      • First, Second and Third place winners not eligible for 100% Prize.

What is Crowdini?

Crowdini is a question and answer game. We ask you to answer one question a day and give you points based on how your answer compares to the majority answer.

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At the end of the game the top 3 in points split most of the prize pool (See above for actual %). The remainder of the prize pool, the 100% Prize, is split between all players who answered all the game's questions and upvoted all the game's Steemit results posts.

It is designed to be something you can do in a few seconds a day but hopefully sparks conversation and thought.

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I answered
Parked cars taking up 2 or more spots for no reason

Its not nice to others.

I answered
An "empty" spot is filled by a motorcycle, scooter or bicycle

Because it is the greatest illusion of a free space - you see it in the distance, pull off a few funky maneuvers to get there, cut off at least 1 other driver and exchange verbal abuse with another, only to stop short with your nose stuck a foot into the space before seeeing the motorcycle then not being able to get out becuase the other drivers you pissed off have now blocked you in.

I answered
An "empty" spot is filled by a motorcycle, scooter or bicycle


I answered
An "empty" spot is filled by a motorcycle, scooter or bicycle


I answered
Cars parked in such a way that they stick too far out into the traffic

Es gibt, so einige Leute, die brauchen zum Parken gleich zwei Parkplätze. Das ärgert mich dann schon ein wenig.

I answered
Parked cars taking up 2 or more spots for no reason

this is rage inducing

I answered
Parked cars taking up 2 or more spots for no reason

When I had a car that I didn't mind someone dinging, I would park so close to cars that did this that they wouldn't be able to use their driver side door.

I answered
Parked cars taking up 2 or more spots for no reason

That, or cars parked crooked so that it reduces a spot to being useless.

I answered
Parked cars taking up 2 or more spots for no reason

They should get a coloring book if they have trouble staying in the lines.

I answered
Parked cars taking up 2 or more spots for no reason

All of the above! 😠

I answered
Parked cars taking up 2 or more spots for no reason

You might also mention people who swing their car doors open with such force and no regard for your vehicle parked next to it, resulting in ugly dings to the finish. This happened to me the other day while I was sitting in my car. Not even an apology, a glance my way, nothing! Hit and run.

I answered
Parked cars taking up 2 or more spots for no reason

This by far is more annoying.

I answered
Parked cars taking up 2 or more spots for no reason

As a motorcyclist, where do people want us to park?!?

I answered
Somebody just sitting in their car with it in reverse and not leaving


I answered
Somebody just sitting in their car with it in reverse and not leaving

GM vehicles that leave the reverse lights on after the driver has exited the vehicle is especially annoying.

I answered
Somebody just sitting in their car with it in reverse and not leaving

I hate wating on people.