EDIT/UPDATE (March 24th, 2025):
This guide has been out of date for a month or so and I apologize. I will add updates throughout the guide but also list them all at the end of the article. So please read through this guide and make sure to read the very end to make sure things haven't been changed. For the most post easy edits/changes are fixed in the article and new things will be at the end but please read everything*
This guide is designed to be an all-inclusive walkthrough guide on the game Crownrend. It will be a guide that you will want to bookmark to come back to. Crownrend may seem like a simple game upon first look but there are intricacies and nuances that require dedication to master.

Disclaimer: This guide was written and posted in late January 2025. The game itself was release on January 7th, 2025 and as such there is constant updates to the game logic and also the game UI. This guide may have screenshots that are outdated when you are reading it and that is okay because the steps should stay relatively the same and the concepts of the game are universal. However, as the game evolves over time there may be updates to specific items and unless noted at the end of the article with a date and what was updated, assume this guide is effective and accurate as of January 2025. All Dates included are in the US format MM-DD-YYYY.
I am in no way affiliated with the Crownrend team, game, discord server, except that I am playing the game and writing this article to be included in the ongoing Crownrend Tutorial Competition which can be found here. That being said everything written in this guide is my own personal opinion and information is what I have gathered from playing the same and talking to the dev team on their Discord server.

It is a web3 browser-based strategy game that runs on the HIVE blockchain.
- Web3 just means that is it a game that runs on or with the help of a cryptocurrency/blockchain.
- Browser-based, because at the time of writing the game is only available to be played from a web browser at www.crownrend.com.
- Strategy game, because the point of the game is to level up your kingdom and everything within it while simultaneously raiding other kingdoms and defending from other kingdoms.
- HIVE because the game runs on the HIVE Blockchain.
- $DENAR is one of two in game currencies which are tokens on the HIVE Blockchain.
- $Orichalcum (ORI) is the 2nd of the two in game currencies on the HIVE Blockchain.

The first order of business is you are going to need an account on the HIVE Blockchain. A quick internet search for how to create a account on HIVE is easy enough but here is a link to a article that explains how to setup a account: setting-up-your-hive-account-for-the-first-time
If you already have an account then you can skip that step and go directly to https://crownrend.com/.

Once you are at the main website it will ask you to login to the game with your HIVE account. You will need the ‘Hive Keychain’ browser extension to be able to login to Crownrend.

That is the extension as it shows on the Google Web Store. You do not need Google Chrome as your browser but you will need a browser that has this extension and any Chromium based browser should work. (I have personally tested Google Chrome and Brave Browser and both work)
Once you have a Hive account and the Keychain extension head back to the game's website and type in your Hive username into the ‘username’ field and click on “Login with Hive”.

It will bring up a popup which you will have to accept to login to the game.

After you have logged into the game, it will ask you to pay $10 worth of HIVE to create your Kingdom.

This may seem pricey for a lot of people new to HIVE. And while that may be the case the reason for the upfront payment as I see it, is for 2 reasons.
Reason #1: To stop or slow down the bots in the game. A game that is free to login and play and is popular are all notorious for having a lot of bot accounts and that does not make the game fun for anyone but the people running the bots. This is a barrier to people wanted to use bots that they now have $10 put on the line in case they get caught.
Reason #2: The game takes people to make it, host it, update it, etc. And a $10 upfront cost goes to the dev team to keep the game up and running and constantly updated.
Where to find your referral link is later but I wanted to talk about what you actually get from referring people to Crownrend. As it stands when you refer someone and they sign up and pay the $10 HIVE entry fee. You as the referrer will get 5% of their entry fee. It pays out to your HIVE account almost instantly.

Once the game loads you will be asked what you want to name your Kingdom. Pick a good name because at this time you cannot change your kingdom name.

After that you will be brought into your kingdom. It may look overwhelming at first as there is a lot of text data to look at but we will go over all of it here in this guide.
Every new account is given 10 Denar to start with, so that each player can start upgrading right out of the gate!

Throughout this guide, if certain items or statements are unclear or you have more questions, please continue to read. All topics alluded to early on will be touched on later in this guide.
Before we get into specifics of the game, we need to lay down some foundation so that you understand this article to its fullest extent.
Every player has a kingdom that they manage. Your kingdom earns “Denar” from its citizens passively every second. Every 4 hours you can collect your earnings (taxes?) and move it into your Vault which protects it from being taken by other players.
Denar is used to upgrade your kingdom. Every upgrade to your kingdom requires Denar and the higher the level of that specific upgrade the more Denar it will require. You can also purchase Chests with Denar which when opened will give you one item. If you burn an item, you can earn the other in game currency called “Ori” or “Orichalcum”. Ori’s only use is to upgrade your items or to create an Alliance. More on all of that below

At the top of the game screen, you will see info on your Kingdom. There are 3 separate areas and each give info about different areas in the game. Here we will go through each of the 3 areas and break down what everything means.

- At the top, your Kingdom Name will be listed next to your Hive Profile Picture.
- Next to the Kingdom Name, there are 2 icons and they are for your Referral Link and a link to the games Discord server which is: Crownrend Discord
- Underneath that it will list what Alliance you are apart of, if any.
- On the bottom left it will list your HIVE account name
- On the bottom right is a ‘Logout’ button should you with to log out of the game.

This is a boost to your passive Denar earning. Every point of Trade Power you have, gives you an extra 30% boost on top of your Base Income. You can only increase your Trade Power through items/NFT’s.
This is a premium currency. The only way to obtain Ori is by burning items. Ori is currently only used for upgrading your items or for creating an Alliance.
Crowns was introduced on March 24th, 2025 as a Alliance only currency. Here is the official description of what they are:
"We have added "CROWNS" a new currency that is specifically used in Alliance. You will not be able to trade, deposit or withdraw Crowns from the game. It is specifically tied to your Alliance. At the end of each war, all members who participated in the war will get crowns, it is then up to them to deposit them to the alliance treasury."
This is how much Denar you have in game. This amount is protected from enemy kingdoms raiding you. Nobody can touch this Denar except you. You can withdraw this Denar to your HIVE account if you want, or you can spend it on upgrading your Kingdom Stats.
This is the amount of Denar you have accumulated since your last claim. It is unprotected and enemy kingdoms who attack you and win will take their earnings from this amount. Once you use the claim button this amount gets transferred to your DENAR balance and this resets back to zero.
The button you can click on once every 4 hours to ‘claim’ your ‘unclaimed’ Denar and move it into your in game Denar balance.
If you hover over the Unclaimed amount a tooltip will popup.

Every account starts with a Base Income of 0.0001 Denar per second (D/s). This can be upgraded with the ‘Mine Level’ Stat.
As stated earlier the Trade Power Bonus is 30% of your Base Income. If you have a Base Income of 0.001 D/s and a Trade Power of 2, then your Trade Power Bonus would be 0.00006 D/s.
This is also an upgradable Kingdom Stat, however unlike the Trade Bonus the Tax Efficiency gives you a 10% bonus to your Base Income per level. If your Tax Efficiency level is 5 and your Base Income is 0.0001 D/s then your Tax Efficiency Bonus would be 0.00005 D/s.
The total of your Base Income + Trade Power Bonus + Tax Efficiency Bonus = Current Rate.

This is just your Current Rate (which is Denar per second) and multiplied by 3,600 (60 seconds in a minute x 60 minutes in an hour).
You can claim your unclaimed Denar every 4 hours. This statistic does not change. It is just here to remind you that you can only claim every 4 hours so plan accordingly.
This statistic is purely to inform you if you are getting close to being in ‘unrest’. Unrest lowers your earning if you don’t consistently upgrade your kingdom.

This is a list of all the players playing Crownrend. If you click on it a new popup will appear showing you the top ranked players. You can search for any HIVE username or Kingdom name to see their kingdom stats.

Edit (02-03-2025): The Kingdom Stats have been re-ordered due to player request. The stats are now ordered as Strength, Toughness, Tactics, Speed, Morale and then Leadership to better align with the rest of the games UI. If you see screenshots that have the Stats in a different order, those are older screenshots and assume the game is ordered as I mentioned and not as the outdated screenshot shows.
Each Kingdom/Player has a ‘KP’ rating. KP just stands for ‘Kingdom Power’ and is a sum of all your Army Stats (not to be confused with your Domain Stats).

If you add up my current Army Stats (6+7+1+3+1+3) then you get 21 which is my KP score. You can think of this as a level system of sorts. As the leaderboard is based on your KP score and you can not lower any Stat after you increase it so this is the fairest method to gauge a Kingdoms progress throughout the game.
Here you can create your own Alliance for 0.75 Ori.
Alliances has grown since inception and really are starting to become the focal point of Crownrend! As of March 24th, there are 31 Alliances and so much as been added to them. Here is what was added on March 24th alone:
Alliance Wars
For the time being, there will be weekly alliance wars where all alliances can compete in a random fisher-yates format where they'll fight with each other. Alliance officers and leaders (or players themselves) can put themselves in a war zone and every night at UTC the battle will take place. Depending on the KP of each zone, an alliance will win, or lose. Winner will gain leaderboard points, loser loses nothing. Leaderboard points at the end of the war period will enable you to receive rewards.
Alliance Bonuses
We have finished complete implementation of alliance bonuses, you will be able to unlock various bonuses with daily upkeep that strengthen the entire alliance, be advised that these bonuses will have an upfront unlock cost as well as daily maintenance cost in CROWNS.
We have added "CROWNS" a new currency that is specifically used in Alliance. You will not be able to trade, deposit or withdraw Crowns from the game. It is specifically tied to your Alliance. At the end of each war, all members who participated in the war will get crowns, it is then up to them to deposit them to the alliance treasury.
Alliance Expansion
You can now finally have more than 2 members in an Alliance, expanding the size of your Alliance costs ORI, however you will have to pay CROWNS in maintenance fee every day for each member >2.
This is where you can withdraw Denar to your HIVE wallet or you can deposit Denar from your HIVE wallet to your in-game account. At the top you can also change it from Denar to Ori and perform the same functions.
Here you can set your Kingdom to be in vacation mode. What Vacation Mode does is that it allows you to pause your Kingdom and basically put it into Hibernation mode. It pauses all Denar Production and also pauses your Attack Recharges. This is different than something called ‘unrest’ which will be talked about later.
Update: Vacation now is free to enter (more info later).

Next on the screen are your Kingdom’s Army Stats. There are 6 Army Stats that you can upgrade and each play a specific role. The top 3 are geared towards Offense and the bottom 3 are the same effects but geared towards Defending against attacks.
Increases the max percentage of Denar that can be stolen from the enemy. If the enemy’s Army Toughness is higher than your Army Strength your Raid will automatically fail.
The max you can steal when attacking an enemy kingdom is 50% of their unclaimed Denar (Previously it was 80% but has been reduced).
- Every point difference there is from your Strength to their Toughness increases your potential max steal amount by 2.5%, with the base amount still being 5%. Use this visual guide to help understand.
- It is in your benefit to attack kingdoms with a lot lower Toughness level than your Strength level.
This is your main Defense stat. The higher the level your Toughness is the more of your unclaimed Denar you will be protecting when raided. See Army Strength details (above) to see how the 2 Stats work in tandem.

This decreases the chance of your raid being intercepted. If your raid is intercepted then you lose between 5% - 25% of your unclaimed Denar.

This Stat increases the chance of your attacker’s raid being intercepted. If an enemy kingdom attacks you and their raid gets intercepted you will receive between 5% - 25% of their unclaimed Denar.

The higher your Morale level the higher your chances of completely a ‘Critical Hit’ against your enemy. If you successfully get a Critical Hit on your enemy, you will receive double the Denar you would normally get from the enemy.

It decreases the chance of an attacking enemy from getting a critical hit on your kingdom. If an attacking kingdom gets a critical hit on your kingdom during a raid, they will receive double the amount of your unclaimed Denar then they normally would have.

The Domain Stats refer to your Denar. There are 3 Stats that you can level up and each play an important role.
The Tax Efficiency is a boost to your Base Income. Every level of Tax Efficiency adds a 10% boost. I have a level 3 Tax Efficiency so that means I get a 30% boost on top of my Base Income (see Tax Efficiency Bonus above for more details).

This is your Base Income. It starts at Level 1 which is 0.0001 D/s. Every level you upgrade your Mine Level increases your Base Income by 0.0001 D/s. A level 10 Mine Level would be equal to a Base Income of 0.001 D/s. Since the Tax Efficiency and Trade Power all boost from this stat it is a very powerful Stat and which is why the first level upgrade costs 100 Denar when the other ones so far only cost 1 Denar to upgrade to level 2.

At its core this is the total amount of Denar you can have as ‘unclaimed’. At level 1 you have 5 max unclaimed Denar. If you keep earning Denar past that 5 Denar limit it will be lost forever. This is very important. Each level you perform for Vault Level it will increase your total max unclaimed denar by 5% of what was spent on the upgrade.
- For example, Level 2 upgrade costs 10 Denar. 5% of 10 is 0.5. Which means your max unclaimed Denar will increase from 5 to 5.5 Denar, that you can have as unclaimed before you don’t amass anymore.

There are 3 Groups/Sections that Items can fall into. Garrison – Tech – Kingdom and within each Group there are tags specific to those Groups. One item may be equipped from each tag. That means up to 14 items can be equipped in your Kingdom at one time.

Garrison (Group) | Tech (Group) | Kingdom (Group) |
Training | Library | Justice |
Barracks | Mining | Culture |
Tower | Workshop | Governance |
Wall | Medical | Faith |
Gate | Commerce | - |
Items are individual Stat boosters that can be equipped. The only place to get an item is from a Chest or from the marketplace where someone is selling an item that they opened from a Chest. Each Chest costs 100 Denar to purchase. There is only one item per chest and the drop rate per Chest are as follows:
Any item has a chance to have multiple stats boosted from it, or it could just boost 1 specific stat.

There are 2 buttons to click on in the Items Category, ‘Marketplace’ and ‘Inventory’.
The Marketplace is where you can buy items that people are selling. Currently you can only purchase items with $HIVE.

Each item for sale will show you a few things right off the bat. The color of the name of the item will be color coordinated to the rarity of the item.
Now let’s focus on one item in particular, the Training Yard.
- The name is grey, which means this is a common rarity,
- The item is being sold by user: b0ga4
- Equipping this item will give you +1.49 to your Army Strength and +1.09 to your Army Speed.
- To buy this item you will need 39 $HIVE in your account.
- If you hover your mouse over a item in the marketplace, it will bring a popup that show a few more details.
- In the top right corner, it will tell you if you already have an item equipped to that slot. If not, it will say “Empty Slot” which means if you buy this item, you can equip it without having to unequip another item. In the middle it will show you the Kingdom Stats that it will be boosting and if you already have a boost to those stats and what the end value of each Stat would be after equipping this item.
- At the bottom in the yellow text, it shows the Burn Value. The only way to obtain Ori in game is by burning an item (which is permanently destroying that item). You can purchase Ori on a secondary market and deposit it into the game as well. This section is telling you that if you were to burn this item you would get 0.00774 ORI for it.

To buy a Chest or view what items you have you will need to select the “Inventory” button which will bring up a popup window that shows all your items (if you have any).
There is a new Chest Buying landing page and metrics.
When you start out a Chest is worth 100 $Denar. The first 10 you purchase will cost 100 $DENAR. After you purchase 10 chests the price will increase by 100 $DENAR.
Chests Bought | Cost |
Chests 1 - 10 | 100 $DENAR each |
Chests 11 - 20 | 200 $DENAR each |
Chests 21 - 30 | 300 $DENAR each |
Chests 31 - 40 | 400 $DENAR each |
etc... | etc... |

Edit (02/03/2025): If you mint a new item (by opening a chest), there is now a banner in your inventory for that item. This is helpful once you have a lot of items and can't find the one you just opened. However, the banner only will show for items minted in the last 30 minutes.
As soon as you click on "Buy Chest" the item will appear in your inventory with the "New" banner across it and you will also get a notification in the top right showing you what item you just received.

You can also 'Burn' items as well. Why would you burn items? Well because burning items is the only way to obtain ORI (well that and buying on secondary).
Go to any item in your Inventory that you do not want anymore and that is not worth selling and you will see a red 'fire' icon. If you hover over that fire icon
In that screenshot you can see if I was to burn my "Makeshift Palisade" it would earn me 0.00603 ORI.
When you actually click on the Fire icon you get a popup to make sure you really want to burn this item as you can't 'unburn' it, so this action is final!
If you decide to burn it you will get a popup stating it was burnt and how much $ORI you earned.
That $ORI should be updated at the top of your screen now.

The last section on the main page is the Battle Hall. This is where all your Kingdom raiding will take place. The list of kingdoms that you will see in the Battle Hall is constantly being updated. Roughly every 15 seconds it automatically refreshes for everyone.

Edit (02-03-2025): In the Battle Hall, the stats of each kingdom have been re-ordered to be Strength, Toughness, Tactics, Speed, Morale, Leadership (in that order). This was a highly requested change to the UI of the game.
Also a Major change has been updated as well. Now the Battle Hall does not show enemies with a Army Toughness higher than your Army Strength. What that means is that every kingdom that shows up in the Battle Hall you should be able to attack. (Doesn't mean you will win but because Speed/Tactics but you have a high chance to win. In the screenshot above, my kingdom has a Strength of 8 so I will only see kingdoms with a Toughness lower then a 8.
See updated section below in the Advanced Section about "Defense" strategy because of this change.
The kingdoms that do show up in the list are kingdoms that are around the same level as your kingdom. It works out to be roughly kingdoms up to 1.5 times your own Army Strength. This means that while you might not be able to attack the top listed kingdom there should be kingdoms fairly high up on the list that you can attack if you are levelling up your Army Stats at the same pace as other kingdoms.
The Kingdoms are sorted by how much unclaimed Denar they have, with the most showing up at the top of the list. You can scroll down and there is a “Load More” button if you want to see more kingdoms on the list.

In the top right corner of the Battle Hall you will see two buttons, Charges and Battle Logs.
At first glance it will show you how many out of your 8 Charges that you have. If you hover over the Charges button it will also show you how much time is left until one Charge recharges.

Charges are what you use when you attack an enemy kingdom and they recharge one every hour.

When a Charge refills you will also see a notification in the top left corner letting you know.

If you click on this button, a new popup will appear and it will show you your entire Battle History. By default, it is sorted by recent attacks and defends. You can change the filters at the top to only show attacks your made, defends against enemy attacks, attacks or defends that you won, attacks or defends that you lost.

Back in the Battle Hall at the top there is a search function. This is for if you are trying to find a specific kingdom to attack you can search for them here.
There are a few reasons for this feature.
Later on, as the game matures and as Alliances are a more prevalent tactic, you will most likely see Alliance members attacking kingdoms that have attacked their fellow Alliance members. This happens in every online MMORPG browser-based strategy game I have played. You start to learn which Alliances to attack and which ones you should not attack.
Another reason may be that someone attacked you a few times in a row and you want to return the favor. If your Army Strength is high enough then search for that player and give them a taste of their own medicine.
Once you find a kingdom that you want to attack (either by searching by name or just by scrolling down the list) just click on the ‘Raid’ button to the right of their kingdom.

A little popup will show up stating if the Raid was successful or not and what the rewards were if any.

That Kingdom now has a 15 second protection so that other kingdoms don’t want an attack on a kingdom that was just attacked before the Battle Hall has been refreshed to updated unclaimed balances for all kingdoms.
Update 01/31/25:
When you attack a enemy kingdom there is a 4 hour cooldown until you can attack that kingdom again. If you try to attack a kingdom twice in that 4 hour period you will get a popup telling you how long you have to wait until you can attack them again.

That is the end of the Basic Overview of Crownrend. If you have read through that entire guide, you should be more than prepared to start playing Crownrend and battling your way to the top of the leaderboards.
If you want more information and detailed descriptions of specific mechanics then keep on reading.

The Expansion was talked about on January 31st, 2025 about it being ready to be deployed but the dev team is waiting for the Alliance Maintenance stuff to be finished first.
There is not exact timeline for when the Expansion System will be released. I also do not know what it even is at this time. More info to follow!
Vacation was previously talked about and explained how you can enable it in the Settings.
Vacation Mode used to cost 15 Denar and it would reset your "last currency spent". However, there is something else that you should be aware of and that is something called “Unrest”.
Update: On Jan 30th it was changed to be free to enter Vacation Mode, however your Last Currency Spent would persist, meaning if you went on vacation with a 'Last Currency Spent' of 2 days then when you exited Vacation Mode that timer would still be at 2 days.

Unrest occurs when you do not level up anything in your kingdom for 3 days in a row. Once that happens your kingdom will have this ‘Unrest’ tagged to it. After that 72-hour timer happens, you will start to gain 2% of unrest for each hour past 72 hours.
Unrest in a nutshell reduces the amount of Denar you earn per second.
If you upgrade Army Speed to level 2 at noon on Monday a timer starts counting up to 72 hours. Once it reaches. If you do not upgrade any Army or Domain Stat since you upgraded your Army Speed to level 2 you will start to gain unrest. At 73 hours after your last upgrade (Thursday at 1pm in this example) you will have 2% unrest. Then an hour later (Thursday at 2pm) you will have 4% unrest. This will continue to climb up until it is at 100%.

You will continue to earn Denar every second when you have unrest, but it will be at a reduced rate. When it gets to 100% of unrest you will not earn any Denar until you upgrade any Army/Domain Stat. Once you do upgrade a Stat the unrest time immediately resets back to zero and starts counting up again.
Your unclaimed Denar text color will change from grey to red when you are in unrest. If you hover over it, you can see what percentage of unrest you have.

Given that there is a 72 hours timer before unrest starts to accumulate and unrest is 2% every hour after that, when you hit 122 hours in between upgrades you will stop earning Denar. If you wish to never have unrest at 100% then you will have to perform 1 upgrade every 5 days and 2 hours at the least. General rule of thumb is to try to upgrade one Stat at least every 3 days to never enter Unrest.
This is going to play a major role in the game strategy at later levels. It is going to require planning and strategy on how you level up your Army and Domain Stats, because if you only level up your Army Stats and forget about equally levelling up your Domain Stats (Denar earning) you may end up in a situation where you do not earn enough Denar in 72 hours to even perform an upgrade.

Everyone will have their own strategy when it comes to using their Charges. This guide is not here to tell you how you should use yours but to give you other options in case you want multiple suggestions. The general go to strategy is to save up your charges until you are ready to claim your unclaimed Denar. When that 4-hour timer is done and before you claim your Denar perform a few attacks on unsuspecting Kingdoms that are a sure win. The rewards from attacking will be added to your unclaimed Denar and then you can quickly go and claim all that unclaimed Denar.
Others may look at who attacked them recently and see if they still have a lot of unclaimed Denar and go attack them to win some of their Denar back. It’s a tit for tat kind of strategy but could work out in your benefit if played well.
Attacking needs to be a careful thought our strategy that works with your strategy for levelling up your Army/Domain Stats as well. Say for example in the Battle Hall you see most kingdoms at the top have unclaimed Denar balances of over 5 Denar. And in the 4 hours between your Denar claiming you are only making 3 Denar. That means that most likely you won’t appear at the top of the Battle Hall for other players in your range. If that is the case you may be able to use a few attacks during the 4-hour window to get your total unclaimed Denar closer to 4 or even 5 before you claim. You gain 1 attack charge every hour so use them to the best of your ability given your current Kingdom strategy.

Items will be game changers for kingdoms. Right now, while the game is still in its infancy, items are not as big as they are going to be and this is for 3 reasons.
The price of Denar on the secondary market is extremely high right now. That is because given unrest kicks in at 72 hours and most player do not make more then 4 Denar per hour passively right now, it is impossible to save up your own Denar to buy a Chest which is 100 Denar. People are having to buy Denar on secondary market to be able to afford buying Chests. The Whales are buying up the Denar to rise the leaderboards quickly to get a leg up on everyone else and to increase their own Denar earnings.
Most players I imagine can’ afford to even purchase an item. At the time of writing the cheapest item on the Marketplace is selling for 15 HIVE (roughly $6.30). If you were to buy the Denar on secondary required to buy a chest (100 Denar) that would come out to roughly $12.56 worth of Denar. To start playing the game costs $10 in HIVE so adding another $6-$12 just for 1 item isn’t realistic for most players.
Denar production will only increase for regular players, which means more being sold on secondary so it will be cheaper and also more people will start to be able to save up Denar to purchase Chests. When more chests are bought and opened then more will be sold on the marketplace and the items will be cheaper because of it.
It is my own personal suggestion to those new players to not worry about items when you are starting out for the first month or two. Focusing on them will only create FOMO or bad decisions 😉 If you buy a crazy good item that boosts your Tax Efficiency and Trade Power let’s say, that may sound amazing when you buy because you will earn so much more Denar per second from it. However, Crownrend is about balance. If you do not have the Army Toughness to counteract your attackers, having all that unclaimed Denar just sitting there is worse then worthless. You would spend HIVE to buy an item to increase your earning and then you are producing more Denar just to give out to other players for free.
You have to be very careful with items and which ones you want to pursue. If you make your Kingdom to unbalanced it could work against you.

This has been talked about and poses a risk for players who don’t fully understand the underlaying mechanics of it. Army Speed increases the chances of an enemy raid being intercepted and if it is then you the defender get 5% to 25% of the attackers unclaimed Denar. The reverse is the same for Army Tactics.
Let’s look at this example: Kingdom A was sleeping during the night; Kingdom B attacked them but their attack was intercepted so the defending Kingdom A got 25% of Kingdom B’s unclaimed Denar. Now Kingdom A has way more then the average unclaimed Denar of other Kingdoms of their level. What that leads to is that during the night multiple other kingdoms see Kingdom A at the top of the Battle Hall with crazy Denar balance and they are going to attack Kingdom A. Kingdom A loses all that unclaimed Denar they got from having a high Army Speed Stat.
You could say that’s fine because by the time Kingdom A wakes up and goes to claim their Denar they will use a few attacks themselves and get the max Denar that they can before they claim. Which isn’t wrong but what is being missed is the Denar that was spent upgrading their Army Speed Stat is in essence wasted. Sure, there is a slim chance that right before the 4-hour timer expires to claim your denar someone attacks you and you Intercept it and claim 5-25 % of their denar and then you claim it right away. That is possible but highly unlikely.
One could make a very strong case that prioritizing Army Tactics is better then Army Speed. If you are focusing on attacks and making the most out of them then Tactics is better than Speed because it protects you.
By default if both kingdoms have equal levels of Army Speed vs Army Tactic then there is a zero percent (0%) chance the raid will be intercepted.
Having a higher level Army Tactic then your opponents Army Speed does you know good because you can't reduce the chance below 0%. That being said a defending kingdom who has a higher Army Speed than the attacking kingdom has Army Tactic is incredibly beneficial. For every level the Army Speed is higher than the Army Tactics, it increases the chance the attacker will be intercepted by 2.5% each level of difference while maxing out at 50%.
To put that differently.
- If you are the defending kingdom and you have a Army Speed level of 51 and the attacker has a Army Tactics level of 1, then there is a 50% chance the attacker will be intercepted and you will gain between 5% and 25% of their unclaimed Denar.
- If you are the attacking kingdom and you have a Army Tactics level of 51 and the defender has a Army Speed lvl of 1, there is still 0% chance you raid will be intercepted. Even if you Army Tactics lvl was 2 and the defender had a Army Speed of 1 it would be 0% chance to be intercepted.

Army Morale and Army Leadership are all about either getting or stopping Critical Hits. A successful Critical Hit means the attacker gains double the Denar that they usually would. This has a very big effect if used properly.
By default if a Attacker has a Morale level that matched the Defenders Leadership level than there is a zero percent (0%) chance of a Critical Hit.
If the Attacker has a Morale level that is 1 level higher than the Defenders Leadership level than there is a 2.5% chance of a Critical Hit. For every point higher the Morale is to Leadership the Critical Hit chance increases by 2.5% all the way up to a max of 75% 50%.
On Feb 2nd, 2025 this was changed from 75% down to 50% being the max of a Critical Hot.
If the Defender has a higher Leadership level than the Attack has of Morale, the Critical Hit chance is still at 0% as you can't go lower than 0%.
This directly plays into what playstyle you have. Are you more focused on Attack or Defense or a Balance of the two? If you want all out Strength for attacks you should focus on Moral level. And if you are focusing on pure defense then Leadership is more important.

There are 3 main strategies to play Crownrend. This does not mean there is only 3 but in general most strategies will fall into 1 of 3 categories.
A player who focuses on upgrading their Stats to boost when they attack other villages. This includes upgrading Army Strength to be able to attack more players, Army Tactics to protect against being intercepted when they attack, and Army Morale which increases their Critical Hit chances when attacking.
To some this may seem to be the more fun way to play because there is more endorphin rush when attacking players and then hurrying up to claim their denar before they get attacked. The upside is that if played properly there is such a higher chance at earning more Denar they other players who play a Defensive or Balanced approach. However, there is also a higher chance as well to lose more Denar to attacks as there are not able to defend themselves as much as the other 2 strategies so they would in theory be attacked more. The Risk to Reward of this strategy has to be weighed by the player and if they want to dedicate the time required to perfect this strategy.
This strategy is almost the opposite of the Offense strategy. With Defense you focus on upgrading Army Toughness to reduce the number of kingdoms that can attack you, Army Speed to increase the chances of intercepting enemy attackers, and Army Leadership to decrease the chances that you are Critically Hit during an enemy attack.
While on the surface this strategy may seem a lot worse than Offense it has a few upsides over Offense. The general approach is more of a laid back and casual gameplay when focusing on defense because you don’t have to worry as much about being attacked a lot and having to claim exactly every 4 hours.
If a player looks in the Battle Hall and see the top kingdom has way more unclaimed Denar then the rest they will look like a great target but if that same kingdom has an Army Toughness 4 points higher then everyone else around than nobody will be able to attack them so they will be able to keep more unclaimed denar.
One downside to focusing on Defense Stats is that when you do go to attack a kingdom you are going to have a very hard time finding suitable kingdoms to pick from. To some people though this may be the preferred method to play because of that. The 4-hour unclaimed timer is there for people who are scared of getting attacked and losing their unclaimed Denar. Well, if your Defense is so high then this is not something you have to even worry about. A high Defense kingdom could login once a day to claim their Denar and not even use any attacks.
The major downside though is if your Toughness isn’t enough. If you are focusing primarily on Defense but its not strong enough you will have higher Denar balance and someone who is primarily Offense may be able to attack you and win even more Denar from you. There is a very fine balance here.
UPDATE (02-02-2025):
I did not want to delete older sections for archival purposes but I did want to update strategies as I see them. Given the change to the Battle Hall, I wanted to address the Defense Strategy as I think it has changed a LOT with this update. Before a person with a Kingdom Level roughly the same as you would show up in the Battle Hall regardless of where they put their stats upgrades. Now that is NOT the case.
I think the Defensive Strategy is the only logical strategy for newer/lower-level players going forward. Let's think about this change from the perspective of people who may attack you. Say your instance you put all your Denar to upgrading Army Toughness up to level 10 and your Army Strength is only 2 (assuming no other stats have been upgraded). That means the only people who are going to see you in their Battle Hall are people who have a Army Strength of 10 or higher. As of right now most players are playing the Balanced Strategy so if their Strength is 10 then their Toughness is probably 10 and all their other stats are pretty levelled up as well. Which means most everyone who sees you in the Battle Hall will see you at the very bottom of their list because you haven' upgraded your Mine Level, Tax Efficiency so you are NOT making as much as everyone else they see.
This new Defensive strategy means you probably won't get attacked often at all. But you will also make less then other people playing different strategies. But it's a more passive safe way to play the game. What it also means if that you will only see lower level players then since your Army Strength isn't the main focus but again, this makes its a more safer/passive play style.
Balanced is what I have seen more people play so far. Balanced is the safest option to play. It entails levelling up your Offense Stats and Defense Stats as well as your Domain Stats relatively equally. There are 2 main reasons to pick this path.
- Levelling up Stats equally means that you most likely not ever hit the unrest period as you are upgrading all the lower level Stats.
- A balanced Kingdom will be generally safe from a lot of attacks and it would be earning roughly the same amount of Denar of other kingdoms on similar level.
Now while a balanced build is what I would recommend there are some nuances to it. Obviously waiting until you have enough Denar to level up both Army Strength and Army Toughness to the next level seems not ideal as you are leaving Denar there unused. People may like to upgrade all their Defense Stats to the next level and then upgrade their Offense stats to that next level. Other may want to do Offense then Defense. This comes down to the overall Offense vs Defense strategy but on a smaller scale.

These are the Terms of Service pulled right from the games website. Accurate as of Jan 30th, 2025
No Guarantee of Earnings: Crownrend is a blockchain-based game, and there is no guarantee of real monetary earnings or profitability. Any acquisition or use of in-game assets is at your own risk.
In-Game Data & Blockchain Storage: While certain transactions and account details are recorded on the Hive blockchain, not all game data is stored on-chain. Crownrend is not responsible for any potential data loss.
Compensation in Case of Data Loss: In the event of data loss, Crownrend will attempt to compensate affected users to the best of our ability, but there is no guarantee of complete restoration or reimbursement.
No Additional Personal Data Storage: All account information is tied to and taken from the Hive blockchain. Crownrend does not collect or process any other personal data.
Account Security: Users are solely responsible for safeguarding their Hive blockchain credentials. If a user’s account is compromised or access is lost for any reason, Crownrend cannot assist in account or funds recovery.
Acceptance of Terms: By logging in, the user accepts these Terms of Service. If you do not agree, you must not access or use the Game.
Age Requirements: By playing Crownrend, you represent that you are of legal age (or have obtained parental/guardian consent). If you are under the age of majority, a legal guardian must review and agree to these Terms on your behalf.
User Conduct – Prohibited Activities: You agree not to engage in any unlawful, abusive, or fraudulent activities within the Game, including (but not limited to) exploiting bugs or cheats, and spamming.
Fair Play: Users must adhere to fair play standards. Crownrend reserves the right to suspend or terminate any account suspected of violating these standards.
Game Modifications: Crownrend reserves the right to modify or discontinue any aspect of the Game (including in-game items, features, or rules) at any time without notice.
Terms of Service Revisions: We may update these Terms from time to time. Continued use of the Game after any revisions indicates your acceptance of the updated Terms.
Disclaimer of Warranties: The Game is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Crownrend disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
No Warranty of Error-Free Operation: Crownrend does not warrant that the Game will be uninterrupted, error-free, or secure at all times. You agree to use the Game at your own risk.
Limitation of Liability: Crownrend and its affiliates shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising from your use of the Game. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Crownrend’s total liability is limited to the amount you paid (if any) to use the Game initially.
Indemnification: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Crownrend and its affiliates from any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses arising out of your use of the Game, violation of these Terms, or violation of any law or third-party rights.
Termination: Crownrend may suspend or terminate your account if we believe you have violated these Terms or engaged in conduct detrimental to the Game or other users. You may also cease using the Game at any time.
Governing Law and Dispute Resolution: These Terms are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which Crownrend is primarily based. Any dispute arising under these Terms shall be resolved exclusively through binding arbitration or through the courts in that jurisdiction, as determined by Crownrend.

That concludes my Crownrend Tutorial and Walkthrough. I hope you appreciated it and maybe learned something from it. If you have any edits or corrections that you found and would like me to update please leave a comment and let me know. Or if you just have questions let me know.
If you are thinking about starting to play then I would appreciate if you would use my referral link: https://crownrend.com/?ref=UJMBLR2CUDRIA But no worries if you don't want to.
Here is the normal URL if you do not want to use my referral link: https://crownrend.com/

- January 30, 2025:
- Updated the Unrest to reflect the change from 15 Denar cost to free and also the persistent 'Last Currency Spent'.
- January 31, 2025:
- Added "Battle Protection".
- February 03, 2025:
- "Players" and Battle Hall stats have been re-ordered. Critical Hit capped at 50% not 75%.
- Battle Hall only shows kingdoms with lower Toughness than your Strength. Banner in Inventory for newly bought items.
- February 4th, 2025:
- Adding more info about Referral Program. Also added my Referral link and NON referral link.
- February 13th, 2025:
- Added bulk burn button. It is only visible when you filter items. It burns filtered items.
- Changing presets now updates the battle hall.
- Intercept changed to award the defender with 10% of the lost denar, directly to their denar balance. (Attacker still loses 5 to 25% of their unclaimed denar then 10% of which is awarded to defender.)
- February 21st, 2025:
- Intercepts now can crit.
- Rather than pure steal roll, the steal percentage is shown in battle logs.
- Added a new setting, that will set item panel to start as collapesd. (This is a browser setting, and will not sync across browsers.)
- Reworked chest openings.
- You can now buy multiple chests.
- You can now open multiple chests, max 10 on desktop and max 5 on mobile.
- March 14th, 2025:
- Common and Uncommon items are now auto revealed.
- Issue with not being able to delete 1 and enter a new number is fixed.
- Chest Price updated to cost a more reasonable amount of Denar.
- March 15th, 2025:
- Updated chest prices to be tiered. Your first 10 chest will be 100 denar and will go up by 100 each 10 up to 3000.
- Added sort by price
- Filters should now be in a fixed order.
- Added a preset indicator to items that are in presets.
- Added a filter option to exclude items in presets.
- Moved seller name and item id to the tooltip.
- Items that have more than 3 stats should now behave better in the marketplace.
- March 17th, 2025:
- Refactored marketplace processing for purchases, should prevent "I sent the Hive but didn't receive my item" situation. In case this happens (i.e. the purchase wasn't completed instantly), the item should arrive in your inventory in about a minute.
- March 24th, 2025:
Alliance Wars
For the time being, there will be weekly alliance wars where all alliances can compete in a random fisher-yates format where they'll fight with each other. Alliance officers and leaders (or players themselves) can put themselves in a war zone and every night at UTC the battle will take place. Depending on the KP of each zone, an alliance will win, or lose. Winner will gain leaderboard points, loser loses nothing. Leaderboard points at the end of the war period will enable you to receive rewards.
Alliance Bonuses
We have finished complete implementation of alliance bonuses, you will be able to unlock various bonuses with daily upkeep that strengthen the entire alliance, be advised that these bonuses will have an upfront unlock cost as well as daily maintenance cost in CROWNS.
We have added "CROWNS" a new currency that is specifically used in Alliance. You will not be able to trade, deposit or withdraw Crowns from the game. It is specifically tied to your Alliance. At the end of each war, all members who participated in the war will get crowns, it is then up to them to deposit them to the alliance treasury.
Alliance Expansion
You can now finally have more than 2 members in an Alliance, expanding the size of your Alliance costs ORI, however you will have to pay CROWNS in maintenance fee every day for each member >2.
Alliance Maintenance
Aforementioned features may require you to pay daily maintenance cost in CROWNS. So watch out!
Alliance creation cost has been increased to 0.75 ORI.
Members who join an alliance cannot leave or be kicked for 7 days.
Massive refactor to the entire codebase, hopefully enabling us to understand what we did properly when we look back later. Should significantly speed up future development.
Dude, what a well-made and detailed tutorial! Congrats on your effort, it turned out excellent, and I've been reading a bit of each section for two days now haha! If I can give a suggestion, keep us updated regularly with your opinions on updates and strategies—I’m sure it would be appreciated!
Thank you that means a LOT.
There has been a few "minor" changes over the last couple of days that I need to update. I am constantly creating new content (like dividers/breaks and such) and I want to keep making the guide better and better and easier to read through without too much images or 'noise' but also having enough to break up the walls of text as well.
I will take any suggestions or critiques anyone has. I want it to be the go to spot for all things Crownrend!
Sure, I did use your Ref and I already had me some action.
I'll see how effective it is retaliating against someone with fifty or a hundred accounts made to mine during the early stages.
Worst case, I shall turn to the power of social networking and declare open season on... Well, let's wait and see.
awesome! Yeah the game is only going to get more interesting as it progresses and people start to take action against those who attack them and Alliances become a bigger thing! Good luck and attack those bot accounts :)
Everyone who is tipping this post...I can't express how grateful I am.
I love Crownrend and really really want it to stick around for a long time. And while I am not a whale in HIVE, I can contribute by making this article over the last week.
You all are too nice and I really appreciate the tips. It makes me making this guide worth it. If you have ANY suggestions or edits, please feel free to let me know and I will update as best I can!
Thanks for the tutorial definitely helped get me started
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