Attack on Titan takes place in a world where humanity is on the brink of extinction, driven to live behind massive, fortified walls to protect themselves from giant, man-eating creatures called Titans. These terrifying beings seem to exist only to devour humans, and no one knows their true origin. The story follows Eren Yeager, a determined young boy, along with his adoptive sister Mikasa Ackerman and best friend Armin Arlert. Their lives are forever changed when a Colossal Titan suddenly appears, destroying their hometown and killing Eren’s mother in the chaos. (For watching this anime series or others on a smartphone move there.)
Fueled by a burning desire for revenge and freedom, Eren joins the military’s elite Scout Regiment, dedicated to fighting Titans and exploring the world beyond the walls. Alongside Mikasa, Armin, and a team of skilled soldiers, Eren uncovers shocking truths about the Titans, the walls that protect humanity, and the secrets hidden within their society. As the battle for survival escalates, alliances are tested, and the line between friend and foe becomes increasingly blurred, leading to revelations that will change their world forever.