Today's Crusher Ratings: time stamp 06/25/2017 22:30EST New York
- Bitcoin: 50 (-5)
- Ether: 53 (-8)
"Buy the rumor and sell the news"The Crusher Rating takes this popular trading anecdote to heart.
The Crusher Rating is a tool that SCBB uses for their in-house crypto trading. It is completely subjective and not to be taken as financial advice. As with all trading, do not invest/speculate with more than you can afford to lose as the crypto universe is very volatile.
The Crusher Rating is a sliding scale 1 through 100.
1 = Strong Sell, 50 = Solid Hold, and 100 = Strong Buy
The Crusher Rating expires 24 hours after the first post or after a subsequent post (whichever happens first).This system is organic and as such will become more complex and resilient. More details about how it works will be provided soon.
No one should make any investment decision without first consulting his or her own financial advisor and conduct his or her own research and due diligence. To the maximum extent permitted by law, S.C.B.B. disclaims any and all liability in the event any information, opinions, advice and/or recommendations prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable or result in any investment or other losses.
Is it too late to start trading cryptocurrency ?
Since their prices go up quickly in the past months.
no. just be careful this is a lot of FUD in the market right now.
I wish I knew how to trade. I'm slowly learning.
keep learning brother. i started with coinbase. I am now on 5 exchanges and even mining. I am now slowly building a website to share my knowledge. www.southerncrusher.com It needs work but I am improving it whenever I get time.