Lo que representa esa cruz en mi vida/What that cross represents in my life

in #cruz11 months ago



Cuánto duele perder a un ser querido, es bien sabido que no nacemos para vivir eternamente,sabemos que algún día partirle de este mundo a otro lugar o simplemente a ninguno , duele profundamente saber que no los volverás a abrazar, que ya nunca más oiras su risa ni su voz, tendrás que ir a visitar una tumba en un lugar llamado cementerio, alli están los restos de mi amado hermano Pedro ,no voy desde el día de su sepelio y la verdad es que no quiero regresar a ese lugar , aquí está su cruz , la cruz que le colocarán a su tumba , llevará un escrito,llevará su nombre con fecha de llegada y de partida ,duele y mucho ,dolerá siempre una herida que nunca sanará duele , y es un dolor que sale de todos lados del cuerpo y del alma ,todos saben que es así , todos los que han perdido a un ser amado , querida familia hive gracias por recibirme gracias por sus comentarios y buenos deseos, tengan todos un excelente día.@chiqui92

How much it hurts to lose a loved one, it is well known that we are not born to live forever, we know that one day they will leave this world for another place or simply nowhere, it hurts deeply to know that you will never hug them again, that you will never hear their voice again. laugh or his voice, you will have to go visit a grave in a place called cemetery, there are the remains of my beloved brother Pedro, I have not been there since the day of his funeral and the truth is that I do not want to return to that place, here it is His cross, the cross that will be placed on his grave, will have a writing on it, it will have his name with the date of arrival and departure, it hurts a lot, a wound that will never heal will always hurt, it hurts, and it is a pain that comes from all sides of the world. body and soul, everyone knows it is like that, everyone who has lost a loved one, dear hive family, thank you for having me, thank you for your comments and good wishes, everyone have a great day.@chiqui92