Have you ever thought about the difficulty of banking transactions? Have you sought for a loan to no avail? Have you imagined an easy way out of all these dilemma without finding any? Hubrisone is a step away from bringing your dreams into reality!
Hello Readers, today I'll be talking about a project that has made a landmark in the world of ICOs and blockchain technology. One that is set to revamp banking sectors with their innovations.
Hubrisone remains one of the first multicurrency fiat and cryotocurrency wallet application with an ability to contain over 200 wallets. It creates a sync between the cryotocurrency platforms and the traditional bank account. This feature makes it easy for one to easily convert cryptocurrencies to fiat. The hubrisone wallet is made available for users of Android and iOS. The innovative mark behind hubrisone is to unify the cryotocurrency world and traditional fiat banking system. With Hubrisone, users will be able to receive/send cryptocurrencies and Fiat, check bank account Balance, Access Hubrisone lending service, cash management service as well access Hubrisone Debit card.
Hubrisone will birth a platform for easy adoption of blockchain technology by introducing decentralisation in the traditional banking sector. This adoption is one blockchain technology has longed to have over time.
Hubrisone give users an opportunity to own over 200 wallets at a time hence they can acquire several tokens at a time. This is impossible with the traditional banking sector as it is impossible to have several bank accounts in a bank..
Hubrisone brings convenience at its peak. Users can make and receive swift transactions from wherever in the world without being physically present.
Hubrisone grants lending benefits to users without them having to dispose of their tokens. This is a milestone a number of traditional banks are yet to achieve.
The Hubrisone team are a team of financial expert who have been able to access all the problems and challenges faced by both the old world financial system and the growing world of cryptocurrencies to provide an we easy to use, secure and smart mobile banking service compatible with all Android and iOS enabled devices.
Please visit the below links to learn more about Hubrisone and invest in the financial revolution
Website: https://www.hubrisone.com/
Telegram group: https://t.me/HubrisOneOfficial
ANN/Bounty thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5039930.0
Author Username
Telegram: @mzyudee
Bitcointalk: promudy