👎 Worst Ponzi Ever - Stay Away / EOS Freezes 27 Accounts / McAfee's Assassination Attempt / More!

in #crypt0snews • 7 years ago

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EOS will hopefully get this sorted out soon. They have been pretty transparent on most other actions they have done.

Anything Mt Gox trustees sold could have impacted the market as it was most likely sold at a discount to market prices which would have allowed the buyers to sell at gains. Particularly if the buyers were sophisticated enough to sell the futures contracts first which launched about the same time.

 7 years ago (edited) 

1- haha the last HODL.. LOL
2- WTF that Oleg? I smell weed int that mail...and from the whole cryptospace he tried that with you Omar? a generous person with strong values as you, stupid Oleg..
3- McAfee's Assassination Attempt? mmm he is..I don´t find a proper adjective to that old man.

Keep the word!


Yeah i feel ya, its all about perspective also, i'm using this time to accumulate more crypto. "truce" lol great vid though!

It's a socking news.

Another immaculate video, Omar!
Hands down number one Crypto youtuber!

EOS has just been a mess seriously its 23 days in and still a mess they need to get their shit together already. Learn from EOS mistakes for the next mainnet launch

Thanks for the quality news I have come to expect from you. Thank you for the motivation at the end too!

I realize why the Bitcoin price has been low lately. If you hate McAfee, wait for 2020 for him to casterate himself. I think he is just telling tall tales. He makes more fun fiction than Bisagio.

I realize why the Bitcoin price has been low lately. If you hate McAfee, wait for 2020 for him to casterate himself. I think he is just telling tall tales. He makes more fun fiction than Bisagio.

Great video yet again Omar.I like that picture of the HODLers car. Even though things are tough and may get even tougher, I still have a lot of hope in the crypto space. We are at the infancy stage- let the regulations ,the institutional investors and the trillions of dollars come in then we will see higher and more stable prices :)

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CoinPrice (USD)📉 24h📉 7d

keep up the good work.
saludos para ti, tu hermano, y novia.
mi castellano ya no es tan bueno, pero vale la intentar XD

That quote at the end is everything

McAfee usually rolls deep with bodyguards. Don't know how they got to him?