NXT Crypto off the future! Sharing Steemit Style!

in #crypto-currency9 years ago (edited)

I' ve been watching a lot off Cryptocoins off late and one coin has stood out above the rest, I had been mining Ethereum for awhile now and ever since the Dao hack-fork fiasco my confidence in Ethereum has somewhat dwindled so i decided to branch out a bit and try out different coins.
I was always a 'POW=proof of work' kinda guy when it came to Cryptocoins, i guess at the time it was easiest to understand seeing that i just needed my pc to mine the coin for the 'Proof of Work' to receive the coīn that was mined, I never really understood how 'POS=Proof of stake' system of receiving coin worked it just seemed very confusing for a fairly simple guy like myself so i kind off stayed away from anything that had algo 'POS' beside its name.
But as fate would have it and with the Ethereum fiasco i started searching for a new investment in Cryptocoins. I had saved up a decent amount off Ethereum and when i say a decent amount i meant about $1000 dollars worth, well it was a lot for me anyways as i'm not the richest guy on the block, Anyways moving forward i came across NXT which would be the second time i did cause i had read the whitepaper on it back when i first started looking into cryptocoins it had an amazing philosophy on Cryptocoins and the environment, our energy consumption rising with the difficulty off each POW coin, What really impressed me was that they were älso trying to find a solution to the problem and not just listing the problems. So i decided to buy some NXT coin and try there POS system too increase my NXT, which was called forging.
The NXT platform or software was very well designed with your wallet and the usual withdraw and deposits, balance and whatnot but too my surprise it had much more it even had an exchange and a market place incorporated neatly into to program and all on your own little server. It was quite impressive. But for me that made it stand out was its idea's and philosophy behind the coin.
There roadmap was very promisīng with venture's like Ardor distribution where you get 1:1 Ardor coin which is a new early access loyalty system sought off thing where you get rewarded for just having NXT in your wallet during August till October , which i thought was a very nice wäy off the NXT Dev Team saying Thank You for your support off the NXT. They also made 'POS=Proof of stake' a lot simpler too understand it was just like loaning your coins to the blockchain so that it could be used to figure out each block or transactions needed in return you would get some NXT for your contribution. So for me it was just like loaning the bank money and getting a percentage off interest each month but still have my funds available when needed which was great. Quite simple really. No need for mining using power hungry graphics cards for 'POW=Proof of Work Mining.
So now i'm forging NXT 'POS' style for profit with where as time went by literally meant profit. I definitely think NXT is gonna be a Cryptocoin off the Future with many new innovations too come. If you would like to find out more the links are here just below, i hope NXT is impressive for you as it was for me and i am in no way an investor,dev or whatever else for NXT I write this as a regular wallet holder just wanting too share it Steemit Style :).
Cheers All. Dan Out.
https://nxt.org/get-started/, https://nxt.org/


Hi I have been holding nxt myself for a while. it will be interesting to see where they go from here.

Its very exciting time to be in NXT, i think they can only move up from here especially with the Ardor coming up soon.