Today at 17:00 UTC, Monetize opened internal Exchange and I've decided not to wait long and sold all of my coins)
At this time coin is trading at ~2$ and I've sold it for approximately that price.

Surprisingly enough, it took less than one hour to get money out, it was a first project were exchange worked so fast and smooth.
I've got 156$ with investment of 43$

My only regret is that I didn't have money at a time to invest a bit more)
At this moment trades are still going, I do not know whether the price will hit 10$ or not, but platform is still working and its possible to trade token. I would not recommend to invest money into it. I know I am out, so are my friends. They manged to make a bit more than me. A few similar projects scammed people hard and money withdrawal were disabled, it didn't happen with Monetize and I am glad. If I will find more interesting ICOs, I will definitely let you know.
i missed it, :(
Don't worry. I'm pretty sure there will be other ICOs