in #crypto-news7 years ago (edited)


Does a King Behold a Crown?

Notice this scripture is from the Book of Revelation which is the time period of NOW.

Revelation 3:18 - "I counsel you to buy gold from me, proved by fire, that you may prosper"

He does need it...... for you. You need it. His plans are to make you flourish!

Paradise is not a fantasy free for all

The Lord said that "the Gold and Silver is his" for a reason, so do not think for a second that he does not have a plan for a monetary system.

He has to have a plan. He is the only ruler you can trust with your life and well being. He is the only one who can be trusted to regulate currency/monetary system according to God's will and way. When Christ takes over it will not be a free for all buffet of money, food, goods etc. People will still earn their place however under better conditions than they have now. Much better. That is why it is considered paradise. Each soul he finds worthy will have a chance to thrive at last! Remember New Jerusalem is built by Angelic hands and will be brought to earth soon. It will be the capital city of the New Kingdom established under God's will and way. The regions will extend outward once the earth settles and rebuilding takes place. Very few are selected to go to a heaven above, which is namely for the 144,000. I realize that there are many concepts and ideas out there about this , but this is the established truth and reality.

Do you trust leaving the gold silver with world leaders that bomb each other ? Do you want to remain as a slave? NO! Do you want to thrive or not ? Continue to do as you do and you will keep getting what you got or far worse in the near future. The financial collapse is going to happen and you will need this. You will need what is real, but you have to invest now or you will not experience the fullest benefit from it.

If you do not look to entrust Christ with the monetary system then you will be placed in a slave like scenario where you continue to serve man only under far worse conditions than now. That is the price of rejecting Christ. Yes, imagine that . trusting the King of all Kings. That way it was written biblically.

In the End who will emerge as Kings ? Those who HIDE or those who uphold Christ ? His plan is to make you WEALTHY. It is very easy to reject out of ignorance, but wise to accept God's will.

People fear what they do not understand. The wise will seek to be enlightened just as Christ provided counsel upon over 2,000 years ago. The enemy wants you to be fearful.

Currently the world lives in division, corruption, legalized slavery etc and you are made to believe that is normal and to fear anything that is unified as one under God is wrong. So knowing God has a wonderful plan for you why would you fear One World Under God? Why would you fear being wealthy? Because the enemy has taught you fear for centuries so that you remain ignorant and slave like to their benefit..not your benefit. Learn now about this and you will not regret.

More Here


The Book of Revelation 3 11

To the Church in Philadelphia
…10Because you have kept My command to endure with patience, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. 11I am coming soon. Hold fast to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. 12The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will never again leave it. Upon him I will write the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God (the new Jerusalem that comes down out of heaven from My God), and My new name.…


What is in a name ? Your Salvation! RayEL


Sources and Credits

God and his Holy Son
Lord RayEl
Angelus Domini , the Imperial Regent of the Lord
The Holy Bible
All RayElites and Ecumenical Order of Chris staff and affiliates
I do not claim to own any of the images , We did however create the video


This is a very important theological question raised, and sufficiently answered by GODcoin's Chief of Operations.

While it may shock you that Christ himself advises the world to buy gold from him (Revelation 3:18), this is not surprising in any practical sense; how else will a paradise become such without a thriving economy, where prosperity is found beyond measure, if money is not responsibly utilized? Of course, a stable currency is only one component. The world needs righteous leadership in order for its implementation to be flawless, and with Christ and his Elect, we will see just that!

This is the obvious logical conclusion. People misunderstand because they confuse wealth as the root of evil instead of the love of wealth.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Without a doubt

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GODcoin is the best currency to go with!

I totally agree

So many people do not truly understand God or the Messiah at all. They love their fantasy land that their preachers filled their heads with.

A glorious time to be alive!

I'm making the switch to GODcoin!

Excellent write-up! It is extremely powerful and true. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

Lord Ra-El want us all to be wealthy with gold and wisdom.

GODcoin will be the only currency to survive Armageddon