Will The SEC Stop Ethereum ICOs?

in #crypto-news8 years ago (edited)

Today I want to talk about the press release regarding ICO sales published by the Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday.

It's important to note the fine print at the very end of the report: "This is neither legal interpretation nor a statement of SEC policy."

This entire report is a cautionary advisory and clearly states that some ICOs may be securities while some maybe exempt. The SEC report did not provide any examples as to which type of ICOs are exempt either. The purpose of the report was to caution investors of the potential risks involved in dealing with blockchain technology.

It's important for the community to continue to question the authorities jurisdiction over crypto and not to vote for politicians and representatives who do not support the free trade of blockchain technology.

What do you think? Will The SEC Stop Ethereum ICOs? Leave a comment below.

Related links:

SEC Issues Investigative Report Concluding DAO Tokens, a Digital Asset, Were Securities
U.S. Securities Laws May Apply to Offers, Sales, and Trading of Interests in Virtual Organizations

Investor Bulletin: Initial Coin Offerings

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*This is is not investment advice. Dealing with crypto involves a risk of loss. Please buy, trade, or invest, at your own risk.


While we have to keep track of these moves, lets not worry about it until they take a real stand based on law. They will talk out of both sides of their mouth trying to scare everyone. But once there is actual case law on this or congressional action then we can start to be concerned.
And government works at a snails pace so no worries.
Keep Boomin'

Great point @fractalfreedom let them argue and question while we continue to add value and BOOM!

No way, the SEC will not get in the way of progress...........We will only KABOOM KABOOM KABOOM from here..........Positive Attitudes.......Each One, Teach One.
We are separating the PITS from the Poodles..........................

The SEC action will affect innovation in the US . This shows the greed of US government trying to control all isnt it? I watch your UTube videos , keep up the good work, following you in order to stay in touch and upvoted to send in my support.

Feel free to see my latest blog post : Why are Ignorant people Calling Steem & Bitcoin A Ponzi Scheme

Thanks and keep steeming.

Thanks for your response @charles1. Upvoted and commented over on your post as well. Keep BOOMIN over there!

Thanks @champagnecrypto keep up the good work

ICOs arent real cryptocurrency anyway, I dont care if the SEC or any other regulator ban them, the sooner the better. Lets get back to cahnging the world rather than shady get-rich-quick schemes.

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So question: Who would you like to see approached in a life conversation?Checks out, @champagnecrypto. Damn cryptos :^). I want to see more folks like You on this channel.