🍴 Bitcoin Cash Hard-Fork Possible | BTC Shorts Near ATH | Crypt0 Forums | More! (August 21st, 2018)

in #crypto-news7 years ago

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Hello Omar our friends in Acapulco need our help.


What Che did not tell you in her post was Casey and her went to the US Embassy on an emergency basis three days ago looking for assistance.

Casey and Che paid the hospital bill which left them with no more money for food and Casey’s insulin.

The hospital would not release baby Cisco until they paid the $6000.

The US embassy is literally holding them hostage in Mexico now until Che and Casey can document they are US citizens with proof of residency with original documents for the past 5 years to get the baby’s documents to travel home.
Who has that when your traveling? Mind you copies? they can not be digital, everything has to be original documents due to the new immigration and naturalization laws.

A Passport is no longer proof you are a legitimate US citizen.


Can you please spare a upvote and resteem to them? ty

Thanks for new report!...:)...

Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📈 24h📈 7d

Shorts just got screwed :)

First one coming up 23rd August and two more in September. As of now I just expect a dump and a quick recovery. Nevertheless this market is crazy volatile and a good news just might put us on a path to bull run.

PS: Both Neo and Satoshi are a good color on your news :-)