Crypto Continues To SWALLOW The World's Wealth: 2018 Is Gonna Be NUTS / Coinbase Boycott? lol / Much More News!

in #crypto-news7 years ago

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Bitcoin is turning into a crazy cult. If it wasn't for companies like Bitpay and Coinbase, bitcoin would have never gotten to $19k LOL.

The small-blockers KNEW that it was Jihan and Roger Ver "spamming" the blockchain to push their big-block agenda, and now we start to find out that, in fact, a lot of the volume clogging the mempool is coming from Coinbase!

Maybe we should ask all the smug propagandists /r/bitcoin to apologize to Roger Ver and the Jihan for their false accusations.

Great video as always Omar and I agree with you on ever point. Off-chain scaling is going to be game-changing (and btw a little birdy told me LN is coming to the Litecoin network FAR sooner then most people expect... only a few months away now), as well as the SK FUD which I also agree is 100% to target anonymous purchases/trades (not close all exchanges or ban cryptos), and lastly that crypto IS going to fully absorb the dying monetary systems across the world over the next few years (really kicking into high gear later this year). Exciting times!

PS, look out Omar, there is a Slenderman version of Roger Ver in the woods behind you, and he wants your "real" bitcoin...

hahaha nice to see you with your hens and cock and and doge and they shouting and want to talk with you on crypto

well it is more good to talk on some blockchains in your videos and give some new infromationsand whats happened with coinbase is it any error or some other or some fear on btc and its wonder and amaizing thing to listen that the 91 share in total marketcap of btc.....otherwise really raiblocks is a good and more attractive blockchain also no transaction fee and in these days rising price making it more attracive i also have some and i have some good profits in my 5 months hodl @omar

Crypto to crypto transactions might be fast, but crypto to fiat speeds are still important. There's only a few exchanges that have true crypto to fiat pairings. If someone is day-trading they're going to want to have more than the 25000, at least in the US, to allow for day-trading and intraday trades, otherwise you get flagged. Three intraday trade flags and your account is dead for a while.

Coinbase is one of the few exchanges that has real access to real banking with denominated in real USD. USDT are not USD. I'm not saying Coinbase is perfect, far from it, but at least they haven't banned US customers because they're operating a USDT creation-scheme with it. As far as the insider trading goes, that's going to happen any and everywhere regarding exchanges that feel they will ultimately be able to evade prosecution on laws that didn't apply yet to cryptos, and especially ones that don't apply to the oftentimes hard to reach jurisdictions they've been set up in.

2018 will probably be the biggest real test crypto has as far as seeing if any mass adoption is real, which is why we need to keep educating people on real-world problems that can be solved with crypto, not just talking about the price action or how floods of new money will solve anything. If huge amounts of money really did solve anything, the world wouldn't be in the mess it is right now, considering how open those central bank floodgates have been.

If this Korea business carries on it might send a 'ripple' through other governments.
If that's the case I'm going to have to 'Dash' into more 'smartcash'.
First, 'Doge' the scams ($) via 'Airswap' second 'Ark' over to change my 'status' on 'steem'.
Next 'ether' set up a 'funfair' or take my profits and go into the 'gas' market.
Finally if that doesn't produce a 'stellar' performance I'll be on the 'verge' of moving all my holdings into 'Qash', praying to 'Jesuscoin' it all pays off.

The North American Crypto Conference isn't accepting crypto?! That's sad! I'm sure the second-layer solutions will receive a lot of attention in the next year to deal with this. Thank you for explaining the Ethereum network and introducing RaiBlocks as well. Also, I share your opinion about selling stocks vs. crypto. Any thoughts about using cryptocurrencies with Universal Basic Income plans around the world that includes paying even the people who don't work? Great video, thanks!

Do you really think that crypto are swallowing the wealth of the world? At the beginning I really believe in it, at moment I don't think so. I actually think crypto are abolishing all of it's primarily principles. Low transaction Fees, (Bitcoin at moment pretty high from Us$0.32 cents January 2017 to US$ 32.00 January 2018), transparency (the rise of Monero ) decentralization (the power of whales here @steemit) . What's your view about those issues?

Bitcoin fees are because everyone trying to use bitcoin for every day transactions that is not what it is for. By all means use another coin if you want to do day to day buying and selling. Whats the issue with coinbase?

I'm a programmer and have dealt with bandwidth issues before but not in the blockchain environment. I can tell you that 8 MB for BCH is not nearly enough of an increase if you want to reach Visa/MC transaction speeds. You need 1 GB blocks and this will only help users process a handful of transactions a month. If you want to get into the really interesting applications of money such as streaming money, then you need even larger blocks. At 1 GB, the centralization required to pull this off is basically creating another "bank" so you might as well just go back to using your bank account. If BCH does end up replacing bitcoin core, the end result will be that BCH will be in the same boat that we were all in last summer.

There will probably be some block size increases in core after the issues of LN are settled, but it's important from a technical point of view which order you do this in. The wrong way leads to centralization.

1 GB has already been tested on BCH and can handle beyond Visa level loads. See Peter Rizen from Bitcoin Unlimited. You can see his presentation on You Tube.

I'm already aware of this, but what hasn't been tested is the effect mining centralization will have. At 1 GB, I'd have to buy a new 4 TB HD every day just to keep up and sending that through my internet is impossible. It would cut me out of the participation process of securing the network. Only those with deep pockets could participate. Once mining is in the hands of a centralized few, then come the government regulators...

Bitcoin fees need to be sorted.

This is the gold standard for cryptocurrencies and this will be increasingly jumped on by the naysayers.

Great to see ethereum and it's ecosystem continuing to thrive!

I agreed with you @stevelivingston when we look at the stats and see that in January 2017 BTC transaction fees was US$0.32 cents and just a year after, now at this present moment, January 2018 BTC transaction fees US$32.00 dollars is quite alarming. There was never in history a salary rise of 1000%?. Low transaction fees, one of the biggest arguments of crypto enthusiasts went pretty much downhill really.

Another upvote for Crypt0! 2018 will be the craziest year of our crazy history.

We are in the belly of the beast!

People can get very rich from crypto..some can retire early..thats already one lost taxpayer who keeps those guys rich

Professional video and very special information Thank you for the amazing participant

i think there is no fear to crypto and also bitcoin the bitcoin is the base of all crypto and the marketcap is also the above overall market but some issues facing the high fees and the late transaticn but hope it will be solve soon and fees decrease after to seeingl the increasing value of eth in now and good thing to hear that the kfc giving this offer in btc is more wonderfull for all bitcoin loves
and really fear for btc is that the increasing value of eth day by day and mostly new ico and tokens preffer the eth wallet

Continue with the good work mate!

All the best my dear. Carry on my friend and focus your activity in platform..
I hope you succes one day..
Sharing update post.

Thanks you so much ..Sharing update post..Really gratitude to you ..

Thanks a lot for sharing about crypto news..Actually your every post i see and follow always ..Carry on my friend and focus your activity in platform..
I hope you succes one day..
Best of luck..✌✌🌼🌼

I would like to go to the Bitcoin conference, too. Unfortunately, pretty far away from Germany.

Anyway whats your opinion to LN? Do you think it solves the high transactions fees? I'm pretty sceptical. Schnorr signatures would be a small but nice start for scalability.

bwaaawaaaaakkk 🐔🐓

omar would suit being a farmer lol

Thanks a lot for sharing about crypto news..Actually your every post i see and follow always ..Carry on my friend and focus your activity in platform..Professional video and very special information,, you did well as usual man , carry on @crypt0

Thanks for is supportive to me

great information and talking in crypto-news. I like this video.
thanks for sharing.

its an informative post...
thanks for sharing...

a saw this video....
thank you sharing

Nice post thanks for shearing

blog you good fren

Good cryptocurrency.Nice video.Upvote and resteem done.

Some central banks and economists are warned that a balloon is forming in Bitcoin and the like, but this does not seem to diminish investor interest. It is estimated that next year the crypto money will continue to rise. AtoZForex, based on its performance this year, produced a file of what might be the fastest rising digital money in 2018. @crypt0

Wonderful your crpto-news ,thank you very much about your news. all the best and your next post waiting for you

Damn, the future is gonna be really depressing for people that don't get into crypto asap xD

Best way and the most reliable one - find the gems (fundamentally strong projects which have strong team, a product in the mind to solve an important issue with high utility value). Ideally, it should have a reasonably deep moat vs. competitors. This is the recipie for success! Earlier or later the market will recongize the value of the project and will award you with immence profits. Real life example, RLC token (iExec) >+100% today! This pick was included in our portfolio yesterday and published here

Yet another great video Omar, I enjoyed listening to you and I agree that 2018 will be another great year in crypto world. Wishing you and everyone in this space all the best :)

Nice informative video.

I thought that noise was coming from inside my damn house! kept pausing the video like 'what the hell is that!!' haha!

I agree, Ethereum and Bitcoin have some issues for sure. Ethereum needs to be able to scale better. Interesting to see what they come up with.

2018 is the Year of Altcoins.
Market Will Be Soon Going to Touch $1 Trillion.
Crypto is the Future.

Thank you very much for your video and Cryptocurrency news @crypt0

Thank you very much
I am glad I found you article
I am interested in the ethereum
I will definitely buy a few and make an exodus wallet too
It seems to be a very good useful coin
Thanks again