Prism By Shapeshift ROCKS! / Funfair Adds Bacarat + Craps / Etheroll Dividends! / China's Blockchain

in #crypto-news8 years ago

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Thanks Crypt0 for sharing your info.
Kiss your dog on behalf of me.❤️

Thanks for sharing

Omar, Thank You for the info you supply about all the different crypto's I enjoy learning and you bring it right to us with your video. I am fairly new to cryptos overall and I want to participate in various ones. With the Info that you provide it gives me an opportunity to understand a particular Crypto before plunking down some funds to pick up some of those Tokens. Keep bringing this Great Content !

I've actually been a big fan of funfair since you shared the interview with the creator. The games are beautiful and smooth. The platform seems awesome. The fact that it is constantly being worked on is great too because you tend to see projects sometimes fizzle out.

Coon information
i think it's all manages by you @crypt0

I try to follow the new crypto currency. But now puzzled by the behavior of Bitcoin cash. The rest of attention is not enough ...

You look really cool in that video, hahaha you have thin hair on the face, I think women will be interested in you. :D

Great post @crypto Visit my blog @helmirenggrik

Thanks for sharing

funny funny funny i liked @crypt0

Hi Omar, really love your videos, informative and unbiased!

I was following you on YT but now I don't login to there as much as I do here, so great that you're also active on Steemit!

What can I do to get your first Steemit Witness vote? (You get 30 on your account) I'd love to be one of them... Think and Grow Rich is a classic @klye and I book too!

You'll need to type my name in all lower case at the bottom of the list <3

"I worked for a menial's hire, Only to learn, dismayed, That any wage I had asked of Life, Life would have willingly paid.” -Jessie B. Rittenhouse

Solid post. Same mindset here. The coin market will be turbulent for the upcoming year(s) but I really believe in it. We really need more insights in the market and previous investment results (even though they don't deliver any guarantee for the future). Besides there is: Every single coin can be analysed here based on: the team, the product, advisors, community, the business and the business model and much more. Check for example: To watch Etheroll Investment research report.

"Introducing $ETC's Phoenix Logo"

I am a bit of a conspiracy theorist so I couldn't help but notice this new logo and it instantly reminded me of the 1988 economist magazine cover which "predicted" a new world reserve currency would be reborn from the ashes of the dying fiat monetary system in 2018 in the form of none other then... a Phoenix.

The New Ethereum Classic (ETC) "Phoenix" Re-branding Reminds Me A Lot Of The 1988 Economist Magazine Cover "Get Ready For The Phoenix" Which Predicted A New World Reserve Currency In 2018 In The Form Of A "Phoenix"

Thanks Omar, will take a look at Funfair...

Thanks for information this is helpful post

Dude you're a pro at driving and vlogging.

One of these days I have imagine a cop pulls you over and you pay them off with a little bit of crypto to get you out of your ticket! Keep up the killer work as always.

thankyo for nice information mate i m new here still learning :)

look at my blog lions

Really enjoy watching your videos, very informational, keep them comming!

Nice! Resteemed!

Omar, thanks for the precious info. Really appreciate it. Keep on rolling them videos out! :D

Thanks for sharing it @crypt0

I think that information is very cool!!! Thank you, Omar, for your job!!!

hey if you talk to the funfair crew again can you ask if they're planning to include live poker against other players or just casino poker against a machine? i've messaged them a few times to ask but had no response...

Great post! So helpful! Thanks!

You rock Omar. Thank you for keeping us informed

Thanks Omar, another informative post.

Which exchange do you recommend to use to buy $10,000+ dollars sent by e-mail transfer from my bank?
Can you please suggest your favorites. thanks mate.


Auditions happening


Great information :D

Thanks for sharing

dude did you change your ride?

Great post!
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