SO MUCH NEWS! / Fidelity Adds Coinbase / Russia To Conquer Mining / Overstock Accepting ETH + More

in #crypto-news8 years ago

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As always great summary of news @crypt0.

Awesome live stream man! Was able to catch it on the way home from work. Tons of great news further fueling the bull market. We are all moonward bound with Lambos in sight.

Great round up, lots going on and all of it looking good!

Really interesting to see Russia starting to get serious about mining, wonder when other governments are going to start to realize what's going on.

So much great information here! Thanks for the great work guys :D

Appreciate the updates @crypt0

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I'm loving your blog @crypto Thank You

Agree with you, Russian government supports cryptocurrencies. In fact President Putin comes with his own coin, the Putin Coin. Therefore, Russia become a mining hub of the future.

Awesome stuff, Tons of great news good stuff.

very informative info , thanks for the share, big things going on in the crypto space

Always an outstanding job, my friend! Upvoted and resteemed! @crypt0

Russia and China creating massive mining farms, it's time for the US to release free energy and get into the game. I'm dreaming again.

Thank you for keepinf us informed most helpful indeed

Awesome stuff I know the CEO of Fidelity was very keen on bitcoin and saw it as the future perhaps they will be the first to offer it as an ETF or some type of trading platform. What else is powerful is the fidelity has Billions of dollars that could be poured into bitcoin.

The biggest take away here is to note that every company is only working with bitcon, not bitcoin cash or some other crypto only bitcoin this is why bitcoin will continue to strengthen in value.

Think I might want to get in that Russian ico. Not surprised you were banned for not bashing Bitcoin Cash.. it's getting very polarized and seems to be all about politics rather than what chain can be successful. I read that there is a new coin coming out going to be called Bcash, similar to Zcash, and that's why Bitcoin Cash is discouraging the use of the term Bcash. Good show. Cheers!

Russian energy costs are super low, so it's just a matter of time before they start to become of the worlds biggest mining hubs. With government support coming from Putin this company will grow like crazy!

I need to find a way to get in on this! Thanks Crypt0!




I meeped first.


lmfao I died. dead fam

Good post and resteem

thanks for sharing..upvoted and followed

Thanks crypt0! Good info!

@crypt0 Love our stuff man. Keep bringing that hot fire. Let us know next time your going to events in LA, would love to meet up and nerd out.

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Great article. Thanks.

Thank you for keeping us updated man. great work

Nice post

May this day be as great as this news :)

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That's good interesting

Great post my friend :)


I have really been amazed by how connected you are in the crypto space. You tend to share info that others are clueless about. Great new findings that deal with facts, not as much theory or opinions. Thanks!