[VIDEO] Quick Update on My Talk at Google + My Opinion on Clif's Statements About Pillar

in #crypto-news7 years ago

: Quick Update on My Talk at Google + My Opinion on Clif's Statements About Pillar


Goooo Pillar!!!! I’ll take your $50 wishes too @cryptoblood!!! Bring me to $50 Pillar so that I can definitely quit my job! Aloha!

1:1 PLR to ETH seems unlikely BUT I do still think PLR has a lot of room to move. The main plus to PLR in my opinion is the timing of their wallet releases are going to be amazing... March/April token wallet will be at a time when a new wave of crypto users are just entering the space for the first time, and with all the exchange drama (which is going to continue to happen) will make a lot more people look for easy-to-use off-exchange storage methods like the Pillar Token Wallet. Ontop of that their 2nd phase release the ICO wallet which is set for the Summer (~July) will be released at a time when the 2018 ICO rush is taking place, again making it amazing timing in general. $10-20 per PLR (~3-4billion MC) after the token wallet, and $20-40 per PLR (~8-10bil MC) after the ICO wallet are not unrealistic possibilities.

CB, Clif did say PLR would equal ETH "in both daily price and MC". Spike or not, isn't he clearly saying 1 PLR will equal 1 ETH in price at some point?Such a straight forward statement has seem to become so complicated to understand LOL.

He also said (with your interview)the May time period would see a release of some of PLR's new technology. This is when the GDPR regs will be implemented in Europe and PLR's GDPR wallet is shooting to be available at that time. That seems like that could be as big as the personal wallet if every Gov't/business in Europe will have to be in compliance.