Per CNBC article regarding Dimon this morning "bitcoin is a fraud and someone is going to get killed..." KILLED???
Maybe a bit dramatic there Jamie? Is someone mad they they missed the boat so now they're firing torpedoes at it trying to sink it?
In other CNBC news economic prognosticator and financial pumper-guru Mohammed El-Erian claims bitcoin should be about 1/2 or 1/3 of what it is now and it will never see mass adoption.
So I guess we should all just blindly trust in the fiat currency /perpetual debt creation system that's led the US to $20 trillion in debt and stagnant incomes for an entire generation of people?
The only people that will get killed are his buddies on Wall St. who will see their coffers being drained as more fiat wealth keeps pouring into cryptos. These banksters are finally seeing the writing on the wall, and it scares the shit out of them.
Cryptos are how the average Joe gets back at the corrupt banking-governments-mafia-complex that allowed the fraud and subsequent bailouts in the last financial crisis.