What a week so far.
BTC soared over $7,000 (R100,000) today and Ethereum and the rest of the Altcoins took big knocks in price and market cap.
Bitconnect BCC coin value has shot through the roof to $265 on the back of Bitcoin
This is a yuge month for hatching ICO's
Electroneum ICO is finished and it is now trading on Cryptopia for 10x the ICO purchase price. Great things are expected of this ICO and the word on the street is to HODL.
Elekra Coin has ended their ICO phase and will be hitting the exchanges on 6 November.
Universa is still up for grabs in ICO phase and you'll definitely be interested once you see who is involved.
ETHConnect is there on the edge still and might be considered a wide shot but not in my opinion.
HYIP (High Yield Investment Program)
Bitpetite, AuroraMines and DreamHash made away with the loot... Easy come, easy go. Never bet the house on a wildcard.
Electroneum took quite a dive on Cryptopia and it's still sinking faster than Titanic. It's down to less than 1/7000th of listing price.
It's because the miners and the ICO investors haven't been able to get to their coins yet. There was a security breach on the site and they are working with Amazon to make sure all accounts are safe. They are keeping their patrons up to date through their FB page.
I can see the coinbase logs and miners definitely have been able to access their coins as there is some accounts with more than 100 ETN balance and some pools have minimum limit set to 10 ETN instead.
that titanic is starting to float
I don't think so... Official server is still down, official pools are pretty much overloaded.