$150 - $300 per month is quite a wide range, would you elaborate on the config for those servers? I presume you're using dedicated (non-shared) hosting, so those prices are NOT out of line. Just curious on what you decided to go with.
I have some significant reservations about installing a wallet on a mobile phone. However there are 2 strategies that might make sense:
create a new account for use only on the phone. Only hold as much as you would be willing to loose in that account.
Root the phone and tighten security, for example only use a VPN to connect to crypto servers.
I've read so much about how cell phones are a security nightmare. Just look at how many apps request access to every resource - contacts, camera, mic, tada, tada, even when said app has no NEED for all of the resources requested.
Anyway, love the announcement, hope it gains the viral traction of popularity to take it to the moon!
The price range that we have to pay depends on the country, the webhosting provider and the servers that they have to offer for the price.
They are dedicated servers of course, not a vps or something, these are the real deal.
Thanx for the comments full-steem-ahead I hope you like our products, they are driven by our passion for crypto and freedom for all, so spread the word :)