Does it means currently requires only 5 million tokens as a start-up capital.
意思是目前只需要募集 500 万的代币(按¥4000/BTC计算,每个代币约人民币 1.152~1.44 元)作为启动资金。
Late in accordance with the progress of the project to decide whether to raise funds by ICO?
后期根据项目进展情况决定是否再通过 ICO 募集资金?
Yes the raised capital from the 5 million tokens will be more than enough to keep us up and running for 2 years+ .
August 23th is the perfect time to raise capital because we have build a rocketship and need fuel to get off the ground with sustainable marketing, ongoing integration, and new features like Stealth. There is no better time than now. :)