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RE: Last Chance To Take Profit? - Chart Shows Correction Is Imminent / Trutheum: Awesome! / ETH Ice Age

in #crypto-news8 years ago

This is from Clif High's June 2017 report that makes me confident that the down trend will be short lived.

"The shorter term sets have Bitcoin, already established by the end of June, as the 'leading edge of
hyperinflation'. This status is indicated to continue at least into June of 2018, if not beyond. Yes, there will be other cryptospace offerings, both coins and tokens, that will surpass Bitcoin occasionally, but in general, the long term growth patterns will remain with Bitcoin. In those longer terms, the 'hyperbolic debt currencies debasement' is indicated to 'catch fire', and 'ignite'in Fall (northern hemisphere) 2017, and to be 'raging hot' by Winter solstice. This is what leads the interpretation that Bitcoin will be close to, or exceeding $13,800 USD by early February in 2018."